About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 6385-6390
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1717
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Teaching practice and experience demonstrate that the process of instruction and learning becomes more and more challenging for lecturers, instructors, and curriculum designers.

When students’ lives are centered around their devices, what would be the most effective way of increasing their engagement and motivation towards learning? The traditional approach of delivering knowledge is no longer compatible with existing challenges. This problem can be viewed as an opportunity. Hence, my objective is to develop new learning methods and techniques that are student-oriented, time-efficient, multi-functional and engaging.

In the past year, I have started a project to construct an online workbook with elements of gamification and possibilities of individual learning tracking. This was possible by the grant of Vladimir Potanin fond The online workbook is to be part of an offline course and a blended learning tool. On the one hand, it organizes online materials, tests, curriculum, useful information, forum and news for students in one place.

On the other hand, gamification elements may encounter challenges, such as increasing involvement in the learning process. To maintain student involvement and interest there are game tasks between classes. In addition to elements of gamification like levels, badges, points, rating table, motivational feedback, game mechanics, among others. The learning process is turned into a game for students, which result in interest, excitement, and competitive spirit that helps form high self-esteem. The learning process is also associated with positive emotions that stimulate motivation in preparation for a flipped classroom environment. It strengthens skills that promote teamwork as the mutual goal is to win the competition as teams in the online workbook. The traditional teaching approach transitions to student-centered learning and introduces a more accurate assessment of students' competencies. The online workbook will require hard work, the game feature makes it possible to feel successful. For shy students, who cannot fully reveal their abilities in class due to fear of defeat, the platform provides a space that they can reach any height of success. This also solves the problem with foreign students, who encounter language barriers, and may not always be active in offline classes. An online game allows them to study material at a convenient pace and monitor their results.

The online workbook makes the assessment process transparent, comprehensible and provides constant feedback regarding their progress during training. Furthermore, the workbook will facilitate personal recommendations from the teacher and individual educational trajectory. At the end of the learning, the system generates a student portfolio reflecting achievements and the current level of development of skills.
Gamification, flipped classroom, blended learning, digital, innovation.