Rey Juan Carlos University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 5576-5583
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1366
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
Music is a universal language and a good channel for social activity, because of it boosts communication, participation and the exchange of ideas (Cózar Gutiérrez, de Moya Martínez, Hernández Bravo & Hernández Bravo, 2015). The music diffusion, consumption and learning are associated with the TICs development (Gértrudix & Gértrudix, 2014). In the educational context, the digital tools have allowed to update and modify the pedagogical methodologies. Therefore, it is necessary that music professors know the technologies used in education (Torres, 2010).

The methodology of meaningful learning can be used within musical learning (Vargas Villalba, 2017). According to Cremades Andreu, Quiles & Herrera Torres (2013): "Music should not be understood as an abstract entity but it is linked to the elements that produce it and have an application in everyday life. The most significant learning is that which is acquired by activating curiosity and the desire to know". In addition to this meaningful learning in music, about visible learning is spoken, which is strongly related to the competence learn to learn.

The music education centers have had to include into their projects new strategies and technological resources addressed to promoting learning experiences, facilitating communication between the different members of the educational community (De Castro, 2005). One of the TICs educational resources most used in teaching-learning practices are the recordings. In this context, Rinpad is a tool that allows continuous recording of an event, but with the added value of capturing specific moments adding a "before" and an "after". This way not only allows to capture the desired time interval, but also to store the video with all the recording. This methodology helps to develop the visible learning.

Traditionally, superficial learning has been used, which focuses on memorization by repetition, which is used to approach only a work, without being able to use the synergies in the reading and interpretation for a new work, due to non-comprehension of the language or the process. But the students have to understand music in its depth so it will remain in their mind. The Conservatory´s professors should reconsider the methodologies to actively work with the students the learning based on the thought, with the goal of making them able to think in an active, orderly, reflective and effective way, using the instrument to acquire mental skills that help them to be autonomous, critical and decisive thinkers.

The objective of this paper is to deepen in the study of training in musical competences through tools based on TICs. For this propose, first of all, a review of the competences related to music training is carried out. Secondly, the papers that analyze the use of tools for training in musical competences are reviewed. Finally, the usefulness of the Rinpad tool to generate musical competences is analyzed.
Music education, learning strategy, musical competences, TICs, Rinpad.