Universidade Federal Fluminense (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Page: 6227 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1537
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The Active methodology of project-based learning can involve many subjects in a single project, which aims to associate learning with doing, based on the construction of knowledge collectively. The student is at the center of the teaching and learning process. In this methodology, the teacher made a proposition about electronic waste, in a dialogic action with the development of technological devices, it occurs at a much higher speed than the time of use that they have, which, in turn, is also short. He reported that with this, following this evolution is synonymous with the generation of electronic waste (E-waste). What is often noticed are technology companies with frequent launches of innovative products, with increasingly improved functions. With regard to electronic materials, since they are disposed of incorrectly, in the same way that common waste generates great health risks and environmental impacts. Faced with the identified problem, the opportunity arose for the project on electronic waste and its reuse. Understanding that the acquisition of electronic equipment in liquid times, within the context of programmed obsolescence and the lack of public policies for the application of reverse logistics, needs to identify opportunities for the reuse of these materials and, from there, the students received a challenge to put into practice diverse contents and develop knowledge in an active, collaborative and interdisciplinary way. So, the PBL is premised on the delivery of a final product, together with the presentation of the project. The application methodology: thematic, applied to different groups; Bring to the group different answers to the challenge presented; a process that goes through stages of development and evaluation. We observed in the steps: a Motivating question: it should be challenging: What happens to all the electronic waste that is disposed of incorrectly by the community? We think of something attainable for students to achieve throughout the research. The proposal for the classes foresaw the protagonism of the student with significant content to exercise collaboration and communication and the handling of technologies, creativity and time management. Within the project data, the segment was Graduation of the 1st, 4th and 6th periods, the chosen subjects were Computer Architecture and Organization; Operational systems; Information Technology and Environment and Social and Digital Inclusion, with duration: 1 semester, with the general objective: to sensitize students about electronic waste and the reuse of electronic equipment. The researches carried out were: Ecopedagogy; Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs; Electronic Waste reuse processes; social and digital inclusion; Socialization between course periods and sharing of knowledge about hardware and software; Sensitize the community on the importance of reusing electronic equipment; Donate products made from recycling electronic equipment to an institution chosen by the team; Conduct Lectures on the subject for the vulnerable community. A donation of 11 pieces of equipment was made to an entity that works with children with autism and who needed such equipment; It is opportune to understand the process of assembly and disassembly, building new ones from old ones.
Collection of Electronic Waste (REE), Sustainable Development Goals, Project-Based Learning.