University of Aveiro (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 3824-3830
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0994
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has recently improved education and training methods. This technology has provided alternatives to the way people learn and relate to their environment. This work-in-progress study presents an approach to develop a smart learning city environment using AR games to change citizens’ sustainable development competences, the EduCITY. The EduCITY – “Smart and Sustainable Cities with Augmented Reality mobile educational games made by and for the citizens” is a research and training project that aims to improve sustainable cities through the creation of a disruptive smart learning environment, supported by a mobile app with multimedia educational resources, such as AR and 3D models. AR is defined as a direct or indirect real-time view of a real physical environment, improved/enhanced by the addition of computer-generated virtual information. It is interactive and combines real and virtual objects. A 3D model is a virtual three-dimensional object that can be viewed from different angles. Unlike traditional 2D images, which are flat and have only length and width, 3D models add depth to the image, making it more lifelike. The EduCITY app developed two types of AR (Augmented Marker and ARBook) and different 3D models, mainly leaves, flowers and fruits of specific trees in the city. To create the 3D models of the leaves, each leaf was photographed from both sides without zooming and on a white background. The model was then assembled using Blender. In addition, the 3D models of the flowers and fruits were created using the Polycam Pro app, a 3D capture app. This paper focuses on analysing the perceptions of university students (most of whom will become teachers in the future) about the use of AR and 3D models in education. This study adopts a qualitative interpretive approach through a case study methodology. The participants are 55 undergraduate students selected through convenience sampling. The research is part of the course 'Nature Integrated Sciences II' at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), during the academic year 2023/24. To answer the research question "What are students' initial perceptions of Augmented Reality and 3D models integrated into the EduCITY app?", the research team organised an activity for these students, which included playing a game with the EduCITY app while walking around the city. In this activity, students explored the different types of AR and 3D models while answering the proposed questions. At the end of the activity, participating students completed an individual online questionnaire, which consisted mainly of closed questions with multiple choice, item selection, and a five-point Likert scale, although there were also open-ended questions. The data is analysed using descriptive analysis. The results show that the students consider AR and the 3D models integrated in the EduCITY app as innovative and believe that they facilitate the understanding of certain content, mainly related to biology and plant species. Future work includes further testing of the EduCITY app in order to finalise it and make it available for free in the stores (PlayStore and AppStore). Once the app is concluded, further user studies will be carried out to evaluate the features and usability of the EduCITY app.
Augmented Reality, 3D models, EduCITY app, Education for Sustainable Development.