1 Ghent University (BELGIUM)
2 Ghent University Hospital (BELGIUM)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Page: 6066
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1214
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Competency-based education has changed the approach to medical training by explicitly addressing other skills rather than focusing mainly on the cognitive component. As current post-graduate medical education (PGME) consists mainly of workplace-based learning (WBL), predefined competencies in a competency framework can provide structure in the complex and unstructured learning environment. A framework defines what must be accomplished by the end of training, and it facilitates achievement of goal-oriented self-directed learning at the workplace. Currently, multiple competency frameworks exists for paediatric post-graduate training. This complicates training, assessment and certification. In this study, we integrated three existing different frameworks for future paediatricians into one, and aimed to validate it for usage in the context of Flanders (Belgium).

An online Delphi study with experts from different backgrounds (supervisors, recently graduated paediatricians, evaluation committee, educationalists), all involved in paediatric PGME, was performed. Different rounds were conducted until consensus for relevancy and formulation of the given competencies was reached. Qualtrics software was used for the questionnaire, data was analysed using Microsoft Excel.

In the first round, 95 competencies were sent to the experts. All competencies reached consensus regarding relevancy after the first round. After the second round, 82 competencies were approved as suitable in their current form. The third round is running at this moment. Within the given comments, adjustments to enhance context specificity appeared necessary because not all competencies were perceived as relevant in context of paediatric PGME. Moreover, some competencies needed adjustments because of vagueness. Their formulation was refined in order to enhance content validity.

This Delphi study might provide a validated, uniform competency framework which will contribute to the quality of competency-based PGME for paediatricians in Flanders. Further research will focus on how these competencies can be reliably assessed during WBL.
Competency framework, medical education, paediatrics, Delphi study.