Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 6906-6910
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.1675
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
Creativity in the educational field has very little presence nowadays. Schools where education revolves around projects that give rise to creativity should be a priority, to promote a reflection upon oneself and to motivate the students to give the best of them. However, in today´s society, artistic and emotional learning is almost inexistent. We also talk about emotional learning because it´s important to develop students creativity, as to teaching them how to express themselves without the fear of rejection and fear to what the people may say. And this, especially in the adolescence stage, is very important, to avoid giving rise to young people unsure of themselves and unable to show their feelings to society. For this reason, a didactic proposal was develop to be carried out with teenagers whom the focus is placed on, encouraging students to be able to express themselves through art, where they will not be afraid of rejection, and where they can give freeway to show their creativity without the need of expressing their feelings through words. Thus, the audiovisual language is used to carry out this didactic proposal. Through it, teenagers should be able to express their feelings without the need of words, and this can be achieved by using Stop Motion Technique (SMT), in which students show their feelings in the best possible way, sharing them, without noticing it, with the rest of his classmates.

Using, therefore, images to communicate their ideas and feelings to reach the representation of oneself. We are using the animation technique to carry out this project, because its attractiveness and for its power to capture the attention of any audience and also, for the easiness of carrying it out inside the classroom with minimal resources to capture the students’ attention.

Emphasis is placed on teenagers, because it´s a stage of life when the melancholic feeling is more deeply rooted; where teenagers need the external acceptance to feel useful. Therefore, teachers here must strive to educate them through projects that promote creativity and encourage them to find another way of expression in which words are not used. Consequently, creativity should always be in the classroom, and teachers must carry out the learning process in which students are educated through projects that allow their creativity to emerge.
Adolescence, art, feelings, animation, emotions, education, creativity, Stop motion.