Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 3281-3289
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.0862
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
Insolence, impatience, unconcern; negative connotations attributed for decades to represent teenagers.

Being a teenager is not easy. They need to be accepted, they need to feel useful, they need to fit into society. But instead, society insists on rejecting them, on blocking them. Their words rarely count and their knowledge of life is not enough to contribute to society. Their experiences are limited, and because of this, they suffer.

The teenager feels insecure and fears the incomprehension. Because of that, teenagers rarely express their doubts. Aware of the obstacle they are going through, is very important for them to feel understood and supported by others. The school, must teach students to express themselves and listen to others. Psycologists like René Diekstra and Howard Gardner share opinions. They both think that it is necessary to change the way of teaching. In school, they are often deprived of social, artistic and emotional learning. Artistic learning should swarm around projects. And these projects should lead to reflection, motivation and creativity.

We are facing an innovation project that incorporates a didactic proposal in the academic context where it was carried out. In this project, the teenager is encouraged to delve into the search for their feelings, and express them through art. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the audiovisual language as a tool of expression, in which teenagers can express their feelings and emotions. Through the animation technique, Stop motion, the teenager has to deepen in the search of their feelings and know how to translate feelings in the best posible way. By not having to express feelings through words, the fear of rejection is lost, and the audiovisual becomes, unconsciously, the teenager´s soul. With their works, they become a little more transparent, a little more accesible.

Stop motion technique was proposed in this project, to be carried out at Chamber Maristas School with teenagers, who were able to externalize their problems through this audiovisual medium.

We use animation to express feelings and ideas. This is due to the great prominence that the image is having today. Using the image to communicate your ideas and feelings, you get to represent yourself through it. In which observing the work, not only you can get to know the artist but everything that entails. Animation becomes a good tool to work in class with teenagers. Thereby, animation favors the developments of the student visual perception.

Therefore, this educational project addresses the issue of creating a way of expression in which teenagers can open themselves to the world without needing words. We emphasis here in the audiovisual language as a way of expression and as a way to encourage the teenager to emphasis on the search of his feelings and interpret a visual and audiovisual representation.

In schools, the effort for a creative education should be rewarded. Since passion and talent are always present in the classroom. Because the key to the future is to motivate the teenager. Thus, the educator Ken Robinson, refers to the animation as an excellent tool to help the development os student creativity.
Teenagers, adolescence, creativity, emotions, feelings, art, education, animation, Stop motion.