1 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (CROATIA)
2 University of Rijeka (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8452-8456
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2156
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
An important aspect of modern education is the development of creativity, the ability to find original solutions to given problems. Contrary to the view that creativity is innate, recent research has shown that creativity is learned and developed from an early age. Accordingly, there is an increasing emphasis in early childhood and preschool education on providing a stimulating environment that enables children to develop a creative way of thinking. The picture book as the first children's book can be an incentive for educators and parents who can use them to guide children and engage them in numerous activities that give them the opportunity to express themselves creatively.

The purpose of this paper is to list examples and practises in approaches to the development of creativity in Croatian educational institutions, based on research conducted as part of the project Picture Book in Preschool and Primary School. The project investigated the use of picture books as an incentive for the development of creativity. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire completed by preschool and elementary school teachers throughout the Republic of Croatia. The results regarding the use of picture books for the purpose of developing creativity in different educational areas are analysed and discussed.

The research findings show that teachers use picture books in educational work with children to introduce them to books, develop a reading culture, foster a love of books and reading, and develop active listening and communication skills. At the same time, they point to the above-mentioned benefits that teachers see in the use of picture books and to some challenges such as the fact that a lot of effort and work has to be invested to create a reading habit and to get a child interested in reading and listening to stories. Also, some parents are reluctant to use picture books at home in the family. Teachers emphasised the activities they carry out before and after reading the picture book. These include conversations and preparing to read the picture book, i.e. numerous creative activities after reading that encourage creativity in speech, language, visual arts, music, performing arts and motor skills. One particularly challenging activity mentioned by some teachers was making their own picture book with the children to get them to express themselves creatively and encourage them to develop creativity in different areas of human activity.
Picture book, Creativity, Preschool children, Teachers, Parents, Family environment.