Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN09 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 405-415
ISBN: 978-84-612-9801-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 1st International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2009
Location: Barcelona ,Spain
Origin, conception and analysis of the pedagogical tools of CanalCiência (, a portal created in 2002 by the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and whose main purpose is the scientific divulgation of Brazilian researches developed in universities, centers and research units in priority areas. In 2004 the CanalCiência started its educational activities exploring research-texts already indexed in its database, through workshops and theatrical shows in schools. The workshops showed some of the teachers’ needs (Silva and Pinheiro, 2007) specially under the WEB impact: students’ difficulties in looking for online information; abuse of the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V devices; bad usage of scientific information; rare school papers revision; appropriation of word and ideas of researched authors, with absence of citation and credit giving practices – whether original authors were individuals, institutions, printed or electronic documents. To supply this demand, the “Informational Guide for Teachers” ( was elaborated, directed to the Science areas in general, to be used in high schools and technical schools in the Country. The Guide has a double purpose: scientific divulgation and informational literacy. In relation to the first purpose, the texts in the CanalCiência database are re-written in non-specialized language for easier understanding by the laymen. The second purpose addresses the problem of information literacy (competência informacional) thus defined by Dudziak: “…need to dominate the ever growing informational universe, incorporating skills, knowledge and values related to the search, access, evaluation, organization and divulgation of information and knowledge”. Thus the central focus was on the search and citation of scientific information, respecting the intellectual property and adopting the standards of the Brazilian Association for Technical Standardization (ABNT). The Channel uses for its own follow-up and evaluation the software AWStats (Advanced Web Statistics). This statistical tool was used in the bibliometric analyses for selecting the Guide’s researches. According to Pritchard (1969), Bibliometrics encompasses “all studies which quantify the written communication”. In order to broaden this concept, the word Informetrics was created to include, besides the printed texts, information in general and later on, the term Webmetrics included electronic information – used by CanalCiência. The main conclusion of this work refers to the effects of the innovative aggregation of the two practices, scientific divulgation and information literacy: they act as complementary actions, with mutual reinforcement, with a great potential for expansion and multiplicative effects. This can be one way to bring forth a conscience for the proper use of scientific and technical information, fighting plagiarism and copying in school papers – rendered very common by the Internet. The Guide, as a pedagogical tool can also contribute to an integral education of students and for their better critical-reflexive thinking. Finally the Guide – as it puts together two converging actions, scientific divulgation and information literacy – promotes the transformation of information into “knowledge into action” (Wersig, 1993) and leads to the exercise of citizenship.
scientific divulgation, information literacy, informational guide for teacher.