1 Centro de Educação Tecnológica (CEFET) (BRAZIL)
2 Federal Institute of Paraná (BRAZIL)
3 Ministerio de Educacion de la Nación (ARGENTINA)
4 Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2012 Proceedings
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 3074-3078
ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 19-21 November, 2012
Location: Madrid, Spain
The man is no longer “the transmission means, is no longer the communication network," is no longer his function to take over and bring the information, now the man is a one to be whose mental function is relegated to the background in communication system proposed by Niklas Luhmann (1996).
This article aims to discuss from a sociological perspective, the impact of the historical moment of modernity and post-modernity in the Brazilian educational phenomenon through a literature research based on the concepts of Niklas Luhmann and Edgar Morin.
Modernity and post-modernity brings many new features, maybe some impossible to be understood, but that we have to assimilate and live with, for with the advancement of cybernetics and techno science we allow ourselves to be, according to Morin (2000), "with a well placed head", meaning open and prepared to rethink education and stop treating students as trivial machines, start to act as educators who value the experience and knowledge, respecting culture and be prepared for the paradigm shifts because education is a real work of social production and reproduction of human life in material and spiritual spheres by what educational actors relate with themselves by the natural and social world.
Through a critical reading of the mentioned authors and an approach focusing on the globalization ant technology phenomenon, Luhmann's contribution to education is that there is no way to educate so many in a short period of time in this vast and complex universe. The Communication proposed by Luhmann allows performing the distance education. Teachers must be trained to work in education, methodology and communication technology, know how to use correctly the tools that are at your disposal, preventing them from becoming a weapon in the wrong hands but a working tool in favor of a humanistic education, developed with quality within the trio impact, economic, social and environmental of a globalized world.
We believe that education is a concrete work done by various hands, of social production and reproduction of human existence and, it’s up to sociology the responsibility to identify the relationships between people and formulate new forms of language and discourses, as the scientific discourse, preventing relationships between people to be seen only as religious matters of common sense. From this point it is possible to develop capable methods and tools of analysis able to explain and interpret social experiences in a scientific manner, providing an education grounded and articulated in the bases and material practices of society and other social practices to which they relate. Sociology is not defined by its object, but by his approach, by the way it analyzes and interprets social phenomenon. In Brazil and other Latin American countries sociology has an important role to the phenomenon of modernity and post-modernity, it tackles the difficulties faced by the education system caused by the globalization phenomenon, education and technology.
Brazil, due to his vast territory, has features that are regionalized and tend to be weaker when compared to the foreign cultural models. Thereby this uncontrolled globalization, associated with the effects of the transition from modernity to post-modernity, could be an element of extermination of Brazilian’s historical characteristics, endangering the cultural identity and therefore causing chaos in the education systems.
Modern, postmodern, brazilian education.