University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2687-2697
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0623
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
This paper presents the ended student project “Building a laboratory for simulation and experimental research in electrical engineering”. Using simulation of the exercise in programming environment is included as an intermediate link. It is useful in online learniing in time Covid-19 lockdown.

Higher education and its link to research and innovation perform an important role in personal and social development in all European countries. Improving the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning has been identified as one of the priorities. The use of simulations in practical training in all technical disciplines is the basis for modernizing the educational system of each country and an essential element of European educational policy. This approach to informatization of education is set in the Bulgarian National Strategy for the introduction of information and electronic technologies in education.

Electrical engineering is the "alphabet" of a number of engineering specialties. That is why it is important for students, future engineers, to master the theoretical material completely and to apply it successfully in practical classes. The project "Building a laboratory for simulation and experimental research in electrical engineering", which is presented in the article, is a project that offers a new approach to teaching students in Electrical Engineering. It includes as an intermediate link a simulation of the exercise in programming environment which is an addition to the theoretical acquaintance with the material and experimental research. Simulations are a modern tool for teaching engineering disciplines, which needs to be applied in combination with other teaching aids. A number of laboratory exercises have been developed for this purpose. They offer an in-depth study of the basic electrical quantities and laws in electrical engineering.

Virtual experimentation is performed through interactive software environments related to computer simulation as an expression of imitation modelling. The computer simulation creates an artificial computer reality, offering opportunities to perform virtual laboratory experiments and research without endangering the health of students, the environment and facilities. This article describes an example of using NI Multislim and MatLab software environments for virtual circuit research.

Before moving on to the tasks the students' knowledge is tested by a specially developed program Electro exam.

A universal laboratory kit for measurements in electrical engineering has been created. It offers DC and AC power supply. Sets of different passive elements are also provided, with which to connect different electrical circuits and to conduct real laboratory tests.

The considered approach is tested in the training of students majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer and Communication Systems at the Faculty of Physics and Technology. The interest of students significantly increases with the use of programming environments. The use of virtual environments for simulations of processes in electrical circuits is especially useful when conducting practical classes during online education in the COVID-19 quarantine.
Education, Computer Simulation, Electrical Engineering, Project.