Florida State University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 7676 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1804
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Studio D is a design and fabrication makerspace at the Carnaghi Arts Building in the Department of Interior Architecture and Design at Florida State University. Studio D collectively houses the Studio D workshop (est.2012), Studio 3D lab (est.2017), and the Materials and Objects Testing Lab (est.2019). The mission of Studio D is to provide Interior Design students opportunities for interactive and experiential learning in a safe and secure lab setting. Studio D supports critical thinking through the process of problem identification, context research, ideation, development, and testing of solutions for real world design problems and supports failure as mush as success. As design educators, we seek to engage students in experiential learning that promotes critical and creative thinking through diverse projects. We also seek to engage student growth via internships and study abroad opportunities and encourage creative risk taking. Much of our teaching methods are rooted in constructivist methods, particularly within the studio environment. However, many professional development and continuing education models for enrichment follow a behaviorist model of information delivery that does not reflect the level of engagement and self-direction that we promote as design educators. This can be particularly acute with online continuing education courses [CEUs] that are often created at the macro level for mass consumption and not individual interaction. In contrast, academics in allied creative fields such as art, theater, and dance regularly attend summer residencies as a means of professional and career development (Dawson & Kelin, 2014). Residencies can offer focused time to further individual creative projects and research agendas over an extended period within a supportive environment and community of practice (Elfving, Kokko & Gielen, 2019). The focus of this presentation is an exploration into how a virtual design residency program might add to professional development opportunities and successfully impact teaching, research, and service for design educators. The model explores new ways to connect, communicate, and create within a community of practice that supports an immersive and individualized experience which can impact professional development over time.

A virtual residency program for design and design-related academics interested in digital fabrication prototyping was conceived and pilot tested at Studio D over the spring and summer of 2021, and further developed in 2022 and 2023. The goals were to provide a supportive community, expert guidance, and remote access to digital fabrication equipment for creative and research related projects; all of which were not readily available to participants in their home locations. This convergence of digital software, machines, and the creative person happened daily over a two-month span and drove the residency trajectory during the summer months for each of the three years.

The presentation will focus on two key themes:
1) logistics of program organization and
2) evolution of the program over three years. Discussions will uncover the lessons learned in the organization and administration process, along with the future vision for the virtual residency program.
Technology, continuing education, professional development, on-line learning.