People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 10361-10364
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2735
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
By globalization, today is understood a historical process of global integration in different areas that have created a more interconnected world over the years. In the case of linguistics, languages constitute a fundamental part of the culture of a country. Language is used within human communities for educational purposes and to represent reality. Culture is a set of learned patterns, characteristics of a given society. Therefore, to learn a language it is not enough just to know its grammar or vocabulary, but it is necessary to know the cultural parameters in which it develops. On the one hand, culture has always been considered an essential factor in the life of the human being, since every human being identifies with a cultural identity belonging to a certain community, which has its way of thinking or perceiving and conceptualizing the world. This cultural experience is transmitted fundamentally through language, which means that all individuals in the same community share not only the language but common customs, values , and beliefs related to the cultural environment. On the other hand, phraseology together with figurative language is a living resource that is part of all languages and that all speakers, relying on their own culture, use in specific contexts for specific purposes. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the expansion of English and its predominance over other languages, such as Spanish in the phraseological field, and how this linguistic predominance affects culture, such as the current linguistic situation of English and Spanish in various regions of the United States. A study is carried out on how its Hispanic inhabitants or those of other nationalities prioritize the use of English, since it is more widespread and more useful, which causes a decrease in the use of the languages of each community by the natives. In addition, it is shown that, although the phenomenon of globalization should be a way for language learning and its expansion in the case of English, currently we can see that it is causing more harm than good in some languages. It is concluded that the globalization of the language is not a current phenomenon, but a historical one and that the great danger of globalization is that it pushes us towards a common mega language. Speakers of minority languages are leaving them aside to focus on others more widely used such as English, which, therefore, causes the loss of a part of the culture, so globalization should be used for the expansion and teaching of languages and cultures, and not a cause of their disappearance.
Culture, globalized world, phraseology, figurative language, cultural identity.