Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 702-712
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.0262
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
The project starts from the observation that the environmental sustainability is often presented at high school in a simplistic way and not always in the correct manner, although it represents one of the 5 key issues of Europe 2020 and a crucial European Union (EU) document Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe ‘11 aims to transform the Europe’s economy in a sustainable one by 2050. It is fundamental that this concept will be correctly delivered within Vocational Education & Training (VET) system.

Our EN-VET project was funded by Erasmus Plus EU Programme and started on Sept. 2016. Innovative tools, aimed at implementing the basic and specific knowledge on the topic are developed by a highly qualified partnership, able to involve in the project key figures coming from the triangle of knowledge to offer suitable tools to VET trainers and teachers. An European partnership from 5 different EU countries (2 IT, DK, ES, LT, UK), is involved in the project. They have a great experience in the educational and environmental sectors and also strong interactions with stakeholders in their reference contexts.

The aim of the project is to provide a coherent set of information targeted to VET teachers and trainer. Moreover we linked all our tools to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by ONU with Agenda 2030 and accepted by EU. Modules will be designed (also using ECVET criteria) to help teachers to develop in their students an EU environmental-friendly way of thinking and a proactive attitude to be part of a process aimed at making successful the road toward a resource efficient Europe. One of the most innovative aspect is the strong interdisciplinary and cross-sector character of the project, because it can extend to the VET system the synergy between training, scientific research and enterprises promoted by the EU through HORIZON 2020 and LIFE programmes.

EN-VET is articulated in 5 Intellectual Outputs (IOs) targeted to produce innovative didactical products:
1) a comparative Report on the situation in the 5 involved countries;
2) 3 introductory didactical modules (Natural resources and their renewability; Natural resources and human carrying capacity; Efficient resource management in the EU);
3) 6 advanced didactical modules (Biomass & energy ; Recycling process; Cement production and CO2 saving; Waste Management & Social Responsibility ; Textile Manufacturing and The Water Resource);
4) a testing phase report;
5) the EN-VET book with guidelines and the appreciation of the products.

The first three products were already achieved by the partnership and now we are performing the testing phase; three Multiplier Events were organised in Northern Ireland (UK), Lithuania and Denmark; the last one will be held in Italy during October 2018.

The core of the project, the 9 didactic modules, proved to be an innovative, versatile and useful tool for the teachers and trainer; they are organised in four documents: a group of slides, the didactic test, the bibliography and the final test. All interested people can enter in our platform and use these documents or ask to the partners their documents, in order to adapt them for their exigencies and the students needs. At least 1700 persons will be contacted during the project life span. The partners will sign a sustainability agreement that will commit them to take a set of actions in the 3 years following the completion of the project to keep in operation the developed instruments.
Environmental sustainability, VET system, Agenda 2030, ONU SDGs, Resource Efficient Europe.