1 "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați (ROMANIA)
2 State University of Physical Education and Sport (MOLDOVA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 7994-7998
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0472
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The given article demonstrates that the scientific community around the world makes sustained efforts to identify and propose solutions to exclude risk factors that tend to compromise the very idea of inclusive education as an alternative to all forms of exclusion, marginalization and social deprivation as a qualitative stage in the democratization of school and society. Researchers warn about the risks of immediate and total inclusion; to address this educational alternative through the universal solution, panacea against all the problems faced by education and modern society; of excessive idealization of the inclusion effects by silencing the risks of its implementation without a thorough multi-faceted training.

In the ex-Soviet space, the experience accumulated in the field of university inclusion by the Russian Federation is representative. Although people with disabilities have always had, since the Soviet period, access to university studies, but without specialized structures in educational institutions for assistance and facilitating educational inclusion. At the beginning of the 2000s, the state became involved in this process, which, by the order of the Ministry of Education from 2004 "Regarding the creation of federal and regional didactic-methodical centers in the field of training people with disabilities", started the development of policies and the normative-legal framework of educational inclusion.

Observation, description, analysis, comparison, study.

Generalizing the research carried out in various countries, we can conclude that, according to their impact, the most common risks of educational inclusion can be summarized as follows:

General social risks:
- reducing the quality of general and professional education;
- reducing the level of demands of teaching staff regarding academic results;
- teachers' biased assessment of academic results under pressure from the administration or out of fear that they will be accused of intolerance;
- the oversimplification of study programs;

Institutional and group risks:
- the multiplication of psychological problems in the academic group;
- the increase in the number of conflicts, demoralization in connection with the non-acceptance of students with disabilities by other colleagues, marginalization, harassment, offenses, manifestations of cruelty, and violence;

Risks for participants in the instructional process:
- problems of assimilation of the study material and, implicitly, reduced academic results;
- psychological problems related to the difficulties of adapting to the new environment and the attitude of those around them, resulting in the isolation of students with disabilities, the formation of inferiority complexes, marginalization and exclusion;
- the appearance, at the level of teaching staff, of health problems, determined by overwork and stress.

Studying the national and international experience in the field of inclusion leads us to the conclusion that, like any other innovative activity, the implementation of the principle of inclusion in university institutions is accompanied by the increased responsibilities of the structures involved in this process and the need to be aware that any haste, superficiality and approach incompetent handling of the problem can irremediably compromise the very idea of this socio-educational act so important for building a modern state, towards which the Republic of Moldova is striving.
Inclusive education, experiences, young people with disabilities, institutions, assistance, teachers, access, university.