American University of Sharjah (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 3729-3735
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0979
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The paper presents the design and implementation of an educational App targeted to young women to teach them about Gender-based violence and to provide advice. The 5th UN SDG goal includes achieving gender equality and women empowerment with two of its targets comprising removing all forms of violence against women as well as eliminating practices such as FGM and forced marriage. One of the most vulnerable demographics is younger girls of school and college-going ages, necessitating a focus on this group. Gendered violence or gender-based violence is classified as violence against women because of their sex. Although a global issue, violence against women in honor-based cultures tends to be overlooked due to the subject's taboo nature. Commonly based in the Global South, honor cultures predominantly revolve around the family structure and reputation. Much of the family’s reputation and ‘honor’ falls on women’s behavior and actions and men's ability to protect their women. As a result, violence becomes a significant part of these groups and can be used to control or silence women, removing much of these women’s autonomy. The impact of gendered violence in these communities not only impacts women’s overall physical, mental, and reproductive health and safety but also preserves barriers to progress in gender equality. These barriers encompass social, economic, and political aspects due to the loss of autonomy in these honor culture women. Tackling the main categories of gender violence including physical violence, sexual violence, emotional and psychological violence, economic violence, domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV), and other damaging practices such as FGM and forced marriage can improve the overall socio-economic position and status of women within a community. Reportedly, one in four women experiences gender violence before turning 24, coinciding with the educational phase. Alarming instances of gender violence occur within educational settings, necessitating the urgent creation of safe, gender-equitable environments. Such spaces not only challenge harmful societal norms, including rape culture in schools but also empower young women by equipping them with the knowledge and awareness to assert agency over their lives, bodies, and decisions. This empowerment is especially pivotal for those facing situations such as forced early marriages. Therefore, fostering education, awareness, and empowerment within educational settings is crucial to enable young women to navigate challenges and actively shape their futures while disrupting detrimental societal norms. An effective way to pursue education and awareness is through technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI’s benefit of adapting to the user’s needs gives it an edge in successfully catering to and reaching the most productive outcome for everyone. Gendered violence tends to be complex, occurring in specified circumstances. These particular and sensitive conditions can aptly be handled and understood by AI. The versatility of AI also means it can be a resource for emotional and practical support in relation to potential victims. This paper explores how a recent development in AI called the Large Language Models (LLMs) including variants like ChatGPT can be used to create an educational and awareness App to help women with gender-based violence issues.
Large Language Models, GPT, Technology-enhanced learning, Gendered Violence.