University of Jaén (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 4911-4919
ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 3rd International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 9-11 March, 2009
Location: Valencia, Spain
A multidisciplinary teacher-researcher team (Organic Chemistry; Physical-Chemistry and Didactic of Experimental Sciences) from different Departments at University of Jaén is currently engaged in the design and implementation of new multimedia resources in their laboratory-based teaching activities to promote a deep learning based on the acquisition of specific experimental competences and autonomous work at laboratories.
The current advances in the understanding of cognitive processes suggest that lecture-based teaching should be complemented with other methodologies in order to promote meaningful learning, outstanding the importance individuals taking an active and reflective part in the construction of their own learning. ICT offer many possibilities for improving and working on this conception of learning processes and provide useful contexts and tools to promote the acquisition of basic and specific competences. The current focus on competence development demands an urgent review of the traditional resources and methodologies used in educational contexts in order to ensure the promotion of the required attitudes and skills. Sometimes the materials available are insufficient or need to be adapted to new prospectus (or social and professional demands). Hence the revision and adaptation of teaching resources and methodologies, as wells as the generation of new ones based on the application of ICT is an essential requirement in the current training contexts.
Therefore within the topic “Technological Issues: Classroom and Laboratory: Integration” this paper describes an innovation project related to several pilot experiences in which University of Jaén has been involved since 2004. This project, starting in early 2009 and finishing in 2010, has been designed to create multimedia didactical material to promote the acquisition of lab skills, self-directed learning abilities and autonomous work for experimental subjects in High Education.
The project has been designed involving several stages: The purpose of the first one is to elaborate multimedia didactic material (with a different hierarchical levels), to allow students acquire basic concepts and criteria related to experimental work. The resources must be developed taking into account the multimedia learning theory and assuming new teaching roles. The next step consists of integrating the new resources into proper teaching and learning sequences, acquiring different complexity levels depending on the subject requirements.
The final stage is associated with the evaluation of the whole project, paying attention to both, student self-assessment learning process and the quality or appropriateness of the final multimedia products and activities as pedagogical materials.

innovation project, multimedia learning, specific competences, laboratory resources, teaching/learning.