University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 10110-10116
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2658
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Keeping students engaged and making sure the presented information has remained in their minds represent two very important challenges in our days. There are a lot of modern education tools through which you can generate a highly engaging course class and hundreds of means that allows the teachers to evaluate the students (some of them are more efficient, other less) but developing a system that will perform both tasks in the most efficient way, is more difficult and represents something that this paper aims. The proposed system is not going to provide just the right framework for evaluating something but is also going to bring up something that represents the fundamental element for the evolution: the competition.

In business, the clients will benefit if there is a high competition between more companies providing similar products. In education, students will benefit is there is a real competition between them. In theory, the competition exists by default, if we take into consideration that only the students with the best marks will get a scholarship, but in many cases, the amount of money that they will receive through this scholarship is to low to generate a highly engaging competition. Moreover, this rank between the students, generated according to the marks they’ve achieved is done typically just 2 times per year if we consider that most of the faculties are using the 2-semester educational system.

A young teenager will be more than happy and motivated if you will give him a chance to have something to presume with, as often as possible. Affirmations like “I’m better than you or, no, I am better than you”, start as soon as 2 or more kids gather to play, but unfortunately when it comes to education, those affirmations do not generate the same satisfaction as they do in other activities.

So, why not to create an evaluation system that will give the chance to a student to presume with the fact that he is the best, after each course class? and also give the possibility for the others to start thinking at some strategies so that next week after the next class, they will be in the position to regain the top spot of the ranking! If we add the fact that this rank, will grant some bonus points at the end of the semester for the students participating in that course class, this will make a highly engaging competition between the students of a class and will generate that “state of art” that each and every teacher will want from his students.

The paper will not only present this new and unique system developed by the author for his students but will also provide the guide for how to best setup the conditions and the ranking criteria and also the tools and the steps for an easy and effective application at the end of each course class!
Evaluation system, ranking, competition, students’ motivation.