Anglia Ruskin University (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 802-809
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0283
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Neurophobia, the prevailing fear of neural sciences and clinical neurology among medical students and young doctors, has been largely attributed to the cognitive challenges they face in understanding the intricate spatial relationships within the brain (Jozefowicz, 1994; Shelley et al., 2018). Unfortunately, the traditional cadaveric dissection alone falls short in rendering a satisfactory macroscopic visualization of neuroanatomical relationships due to the small scale of these structure. In this context, modern neuroimaging and 3D-digital models of the human brain could prove invaluable tools to enhance the learning of neuroanatomy.

The current research aims to investigate the utility of neuroimaging in facilitating neuroanatomy learning and its impact on the perspectives and learning performance of medical students.

A narrative review was conducted using key search terms. Scientific electronic search engines such as PubMed, Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library were utilized to obtain pertinent data from the period between 2007 and 2022. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were exercised to select the relevant articles. The outcomes assessed include medical student satisfaction with neuroimaging teaching techniques, as well as the acquisition and retention of knowledge of neuroanatomical relationships.

Medical students’ satisfaction with neuroanatomy learning significantly improved through the use of neuroimaging techniques. These modalities enhanced their ability to visualize 3D brain structures (P=0.02) and answer questions related to C-shaped brain structures (P<0.01) (Drapkin et al., 2015). In students with low-visuospatial ability, the utilization of MRI and PET-scan based 3D-neuroimaging tools resulted in increased confidence regarding their knowledge of neuroanatomical relationships (T-test>1.3) (Palomera et al., 2014). Furthermore, 94% of participants agreed on integrating a 3D-MRI-based neuroimaging VR tool into neuroanatomy teaching, which led to a perceived reduction in the complexity of neuroanatomy and improved spatial anatomical accuracy (Ekstrand et al., 2018). Adams et al. (2011) successfully employed a video animation of a 3D stereoscopic projected brain model to teach participants about the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Repeated exposure to reconstructed-neuroimaging learning tools for self-directed learning resulted in improved recall of neuroanatomical information (Sandrone et al., 2019).

Discussion and conclusion:
1-Digital neuroimaging teaching tools provide a more comprehensive depiction of intricate brain structures and spatial relationships compared to traditional sectional images. These tools have the potential to alleviate neurophobia and enhance the management of neurological patients.
2-By promoting self-directed learning through reconstructed-neuroimaging tools, students’ confidence and recall can be improved through familiarity and repeated exposure.

Future research endeavours should encompass larger-scale studies involving multiple institutions, ensuring representation of participants across various age groups, genders, academic years, visuospatial orientations, and minimizing responder bias. Additionally, future developments should focus on creating digital neuroanatomy tools with higher resolution that account for the inherent anatomical variations among individuals.
Neuroimaging, neurophobia, neuroanatomy education, medical students, 3D.