1 Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan (INDONESIA)
2 Universitas Negeri Semarang, South Java (INDONESIA)
3 Universitas Warmadewa, Bali (INDONESIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6610-6624
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1769
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Facing the era of society 5.0, the education sector is expected to be the spearhead in preparing superior and quality human resources, one of which has problem-solving skills in everyday life. Its implementation is not just a theory, but the development of student skills through learning steps that lead to the development of problem-solving skills. Efforts to develop problem-solving skills are very relevant to the objectives of learning mathematics so mathematics is one of the subjects that are in the spotlight because it has a high contribution in honing every item of problem-solving skill indicators. However, not a few students stated that learning mathematics and solving problems was very difficult to master, especially in spatial material. This is influenced by the absence of a learning process that uses innovative learning models that affects problem-solving skills, moreover, it can reduce students' learning motivation. The learning model is the outer shell that covers approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques in learning so innovative learning models are needed as an alternative to developing various problem-solving skills. Based on this, the author offers an innovation of the MANURIH learning model (Mapping problem, analysis, Negotiation, using augmented Reality, Inquiry and Having Fun Learning). This study aims to determine the feasibility level of the MANURIH learning model and to determine the improvement of students' problem-solving skills after using the MANURIH learning model. This study uses the Development Research method with a 4D model combined with Classroom Action Research in the model testing process. The object of research is 50 students at 2 elementary schools in Banjarmasin City. The results showed that 4 validators stated that the MANURIH learning model was feasible to be used in the learning process with a Very High predicate. The MANURIH learning model can improve every indicator of students' problem-solving skills after the 6th meeting, students who achieve the predicate are very skilled in understanding problems as much as 90%, develop 95% completion strategies, solve problems according to plans that have been made 85%, and re-check answers 100 %. These results indicate that the MANURIH learning model can develop students' learning skills in solving problems.
MANURIH Learning Model, Augmented Reality, Mathematics, Building Space.