University of KwaZulu-Natal (SOUTH AFRICA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 5324-5334
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
The easiest presentation to make is to construct a topic that is catchy and relevant and where the presenter talks to the ‘captive’ audience rather than make the experience ‘captivating’ and memorable. Talk is cheap!
Good or Better Practice
What can turn an average presentation into an excellent one?
Here are some Key Ingredients:
The Presenter’s is Key to understanding the Presentation
Does the audience need the presenter or can they just read the slides for themselves? The presentation should only make sense because of the presenter’s explanations.
Very often the presenter treats the audience with distain by having the text written out in full. This is an unacceptable practice for various reasons:
Firstly the audience read ahead of the presenter which negates the presenter’s role of presenting and the audience is distracted having finished ahead of the presenter.
Secondly if too much text is on one slide then most often the audience can’t relate to the presenter as they are distracted.
N.B. Notes can be included in the presentation as a hidden slide and not appear as part of the presentation.
Does the presenter want to present in a “dynamic” way that will best communicate the “message” to the audience?
Very often presenters just present and treat the encounter as a task to be fulfilled rather than to treat the “event” with a sense of “urgency” which can also be potentially life changing.
A presentation needs to be “dynamic” and “entertaining” and the key focus should be to convey “A Message”.
The presenter needs to honour and show “respect” to the audience by presenting in a way that will not only reward them for making an effort to attend but leave them with a clear “Take Away Message.”
A “passionately,” “sensual” (Involving the maximum amount of senses) presentation will be most powerful and memorable.

This presentation would be a real life experience of theory and practice. It will be presented in such a way that the audience will be inspired and motivated to revisit any presentation they have done in the past, and to have a fresh approach to how they do presentations in the future.