1 Politehnica Timișoara University (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3465-3471
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0720
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
With the emergence of a large number of vegetable varieties and at a time when there is a need to increase the production and consumption of fresh vegetables in order to ensure safe agro food products for human consumption, producers need to adapt. This is not an easy process to achieve because each variety develops, grows and produces differently depending on environmental conditions, the growing system and the density chosen for cultivation.

Research conducted on various varieties of new vegetables in higher education helps to establish technological elements that improve quantitative and qualitative parameters as well as the possibility of cultivating these varieties in different culture systems. Thus by tracking the behavior of varieties in a given climate, in different culture systems, at different densities and by tracking plant growth (number of leaves, sprouts, flowers, fruits and plant height), fruit characters (length, diameter, weight) and fruit production (early production, total production, commercial quality of production), will result in a series of experimental factors, which through their analysis will provide useful information about each selection or varieties.

This information can be accessed and used by vegetable producers from industrial farms or even micro-farms, who want to place on the market species that are not currently grown in that country, leading to significant increases in the production of newly introduced crops.

This article presents the results obtained after conducting studies, which aimed to improve the quantitative and qualitative parameters as well as the possibility of cultivating eggplants in the ecological system, compared to the conventional culture system. As the production of vegetables in the organic system must ensure economic profitability, it is necessary to obtain quantitative and qualitative production to ensure the coverage of the additional costs necessary for the production process.

The main objective of this article is to present how important can be the researches realized in Universities, for students, producers and for the agri-food industry.
There are analyzed the results obtained during three years of experiences who took place in a private vegetable micro farm, in Bihor County, a region in the Western part of Romania.
In order to sustain our premises and assumptions, the aim of this article is to present also the impact and the final contribution of the doctoral thesis "Research on the influence of some technology factors on the production of cultivated eggplants in different systems ”, realized by the PhD student Andrada Iulia Ienciu under the scientific coordination of university professor Maria Apahidean from the "University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca", in the development of horticulture production and in the agro food industry.
Vegetables, university research, agro food industry, ecological horticulture, conventional culture.