Laboratorio delle Idee (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8930-8933
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.2431
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
This paper deals with in-house training. The first focus is that working time is a qualitatively significant portion in people’s life, more than quantitatively; that is why we try to surpass a concept that considers work only as a way of building our own social role (both at economic level and as social position). We try a deeper perspective, bringing attention to the possibility that it could contribute to the development of important skills for self-construction and for the way we live our lives, just as for all the other spheres of our existence.

In the age of knowledge society – if our goal is to build reflective, safe and resilient societies – in-house training should be able to arrange new learning strategies which will let their members improve their abilities about both knowledge and know-how, and above all towards knowing how to be. In this perspective, the Italian company Laboratorio delle Idee, in the persons of Sergio Mustica, Alessandra Millevolte and Carmelo Mustica, developed the training project IM.PRO.VE., in which the main idea of constant improving originates and evolves from a firm conviction that improving ourselves is the best way to start a series of virtuous changes in order to enhance the quality of our own life, both professionally and personally. And the company could and should contribute, too. The underlying approach follows a bilateral logic: on the one hand, we aim at strengthening the professionalism, and consequently implementing the quality of our work in favour of the company. On the other hand, it deals with living our working space as a gym where we can understand how to live better, learning skills, new behaviours and new attitudes to get a better life from different points of view.

In the age of knowledge society – if our goal is to build reflective, safe and resilient societies – in-house training should be able to arrange new learning strategies which will let their members improve their abilities about both knowledge and know-how, and above all towards knowing how to be. In this perspective, the Italian company Laboratorio delle Idee, in the persons of Sergio Mustica, Alessandra Millevolte and Carmelo Mustica, developed the training project IM.PRO.VE., in which the main idea of constant improving originates and evolves from a firm conviction that improving ourselves is the best way to start a series of virtuous changes in order to enhance the quality of our own life, both professionally and personally. And the company could and should contribute, too. The underlying approach follows a bilateral logic: on the one hand, we aim at strengthening the professionalism, and consequently implementing the quality of our work in favour of the company. On the other hand, it deals with living our working space as a gym where we can understand how to live better, learning skills, new behaviours and new attitudes to get a better life from different points of view.
Training, Life, Knowledge, Learning, Improving.