University of Aveiro (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2964-2974
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0793
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Technological advances have created opportunities for teachers to integrate technology into the learning process, especially in science education. Literature suggests the possibility of replacing traditional education formats with mobile and game-based learning due to the emergence of new digital technologies and educational platforms that aim to provide high-quality knowledge. These strategies are considered effective not only in non-formal or informal education but also in formal education.

This paper presents an innovative educational activity that used an augmented reality app to provide higher education students, many of whom aspire to become teachers, with an experience related to mobile game-based learning. The aim was to encourage future teachers with innovative experiences that they can use in their future teaching. Research was conducted to answer the question: 'How do EduCITY activities, based on mobile and game-based learning, promote best interdisciplinary practices for education on sustainable development?'

The research followed a qualitative interpretive case study methodology and a convenience sample of 28 undergraduate students who were enrolled in the 'Educational Intervention Projects' (EIP) curricular unit under the Degree in Basic Education, at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) during the 2023/24 academic year. The students were asked to play the 'EduCITY on UA Campus' game using the EduCITY app while walking around the University of Aveiro. The students participated in an interdisciplinary game focused on sustainability. The game consisted of 9 points of interest and 24 questions.

The objective of the research is to analyse EIP students' perspectives on the evaluation of the activity as a pedagogical strategy for their future practice. To achieve this, an anonymous questionnaire was administered at the end of the activity to collect data on the students' opinions regarding: A. the value of the activity in promoting Education for Sustainable Development; B. the evaluation of the EduCITY app; C. the overall appreciation of the EduCITY activity. This study only considered the latest section. The data was triangulated with data logs collected on the platform.

The results indicate that over 50% of the students enjoyed using augmented reality, and 60% considered the activity ground-breaking and amusing. Furthermore, 70% of the students reported that they learned more about sustainability and nature. The ease of using augmented reality was the feature that received the highest evaluation from the students. The collected logs also showed that the majority of groups answered the questions correctly, with only 13% of students having more incorrect answers than correct ones.

The study highlights EduCITY as an innovative initiative that supports higher education students in learning about education for sustainable development. Additionally, higher education students, who are future teachers, consider the EduCITY app a valuable tool for their future educational practices.
EduCITY, Education for Sustainable Development, game-based learning, future teachers, augmented reality.