1 Defense Language Institute (UNITED STATES)
2 Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Based on the research that are taking place in Russian schools and museums, the research team has developed a specific instructional guide. The guide is aimed to enhance collaboration between schools and museums when planning a single or a series of a museum’s visits. Firstly, the research team has created a social profile to provide a picture of students’ interests and cognitive characteristics. The profile illustrates main tendencies of a group of students that is going to visit a museum to study a certain subject. Secondly, an educators and a curator discuss three specific areas to define the content of a museum visit based on the educational purposes. Finally, a final outline of a museum visit has to be created as a shared product for both, educators and curators. The outline embraces all peculiarities of a museum visit, such as museum content, educational goals, students’ cognitive characteristics, and possibilities of their engagement in the content. The instructional guide is a part of the system that provides integration of school curricula with a museum’s content in the context of specific educational goals. The entire system of the educational strategies enhances collaborative work when school educators and museum curators will reach the consensus of their efforts.
The views presented are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense or its Components. Keywords:
Museum education, school curriculum, museum visit, educational strategies, instructions, collaborative work.