About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7509-7517
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1861
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research, is an Italian non-profit association created in 1989 as a joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and a number of public and private bodies, to meet the growing demand for information on EU research programmes. APRE's mission is to support and promote Italian participation in EU Research and Innovation (R&I) programmes, by providing scientific and industrial communities with information, education and assistance services. APRE is at the heart of a network of 150 members from the academia to private sector. Through the participation of the Projects Department in HORIZON EUROPE funded projects, APRE developed several experiences in bringing research to the large public through education and engagement.
The book "What's bioeconomy?" was developed in the frame of the EU funded project BIOVOICES ( and it is the first book ever written for kids on the sustainable and circular bioeconomy. It is targeted to young people at pre-school and primary school to increase awareness on environmental, social and economic benefits of the bioeconomy and bio-based sectors. The book has been translated in 16 EU languages and printed in 25.000 copies that have been already distributed in selected schools, bookshops, museums and institutional contexts around Europe.
The awareness of the public about specific themes is also based on the education of public sector. An example comes from the EU funded project Transition2Bio. This project has developed the Capacity Building package “How to raise awareness and communicate the bioeconomy”, to support regional and national stakeholders with contents, methodologies, tools, replicable good practices and formats in the light of strengthening their effectiveness in the implementation of awareness raising, communication and education activities. This training was deployed with several audiences, contexts and target beneficiaries, reaching more than 30 EU regions and Member States. Today this learning package is used by newly funded EU projects on the deployment of the updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy. APRE has adopted the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) approach in several projects: actors coming from business, public sector, academia and civil society (Quadruple Helix Approach) are involved to co-create contents for specific target audiences that take into account their needs and perceptions, the scientific information available and the market opportunities. Within the MARINA project, APRE has organised a MML workshop on “Renewable energies that impact on coastal environment and development” creating awareness about the challenges in the sector and the need to raise public acceptance of the renewable technologies. Thanks to GenB project, APRE applied the Living Lab methodology (involvement of students, teachers, parents and professionals) to a primary and low secondary school to develop new educational materials in bioeconomy. The result of the living labs is a board game for young people (8-12 years old) still under development.
APRE can leverage on a big number of members in the application of the different methodologies to bring research and its results to the large public. This paper aims to provide evidence-based reflections, good practices and insights related to the different methodologies that can be applied to link education to research, exploring new approaches.
Horizon Europe, Research and Innovation, European projects, public engagement, youth engagement, education.