University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5172-5177
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1230
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
Media plays a key economic, social, and cultural role in the countries of the European Union. The media sector in each Member State faces different threats, challenges, and opportunities. There has been talk for several years of promoting media freedom and pluralism. New media have a profound effect on society’s literacy, which in turn affects people’s well-being. The main trends in the media environment that are currently observed are the spread of fake news and the use of artificial intelligence. Media production, distribution and use include hypertext, interactive and network communication formats. The development of technology also changes the media formats, business models and mechanisms for the dissemination of information, respectively the consumption of media content.

This paper aims to present examples of research done in the field of media and media copyright. Examples of scientific developments, monographs and project activities are given. The collected factual information has been analysed and summarized, as a result of which it has been established that the topic has been relevant since 2010, but there is no in-depth research in the field of copyright in the media.

The research includes a search for information sources, as the scope of the research has several dimensions: type of sources, time scope of the research – sources published in the period 2010-2020; language of the sources – English and Bulgarian. The search is located in global databases Web of Science, Scopus, Google scholar, Google books, Academia Edu, ResearchGate and others. The methodology for achieving the main objective of the study and solving the set research tasks include the following specific methods: content analysis, comparative analysis; synthesis of the obtained information.
The study is part of the research activities of project team of young scientists – students, PhD students and postdoctoral students from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Sofia, Bulgaria) developing a research project entitled “Model for research and increase copyright literacy at the media in the university environment” (2019-2021), funded by National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science, Contract № KP-06-M35/1 from 18.12.2019 led by Assist. Prof. Evelina Zdravkova-Velichkova, PhD.

Collection, systematization, and analysis of empirical data, outlining a clear picture of the modern research in the field of media and copyright. Finding examples of good practices for increasing copyright literacy in the media.

The role of copyright in media industry is incredibly significant when it comes to the protection of legal rights of the author. Although the rapid expansion of technology in the entertainment sector leads to the infringement of copyright also. Therefore, conducting additional research on the subject will benefit the whole society.
Bibliography research, media, copyright, research project.