Mykolas Romeris university (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5230-5235
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1353
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Virtual Exchange (VE) can be defined as an alternative form of student exchange, with more accessible tools at a much lower cost and in a safer way (Alami et al. 2022; Poe, 2022); involving over a period of time sustained (Baralt et al., 2022) interaction and communication between geographically separated students from different contexts (Poe, 2022; Baralt et al., 2022) using technology (Poe, 2022; Lee et al., 2022; Giralt et al., 2022) and managed by trained facilitators (Poe, 2022), educators and/or expert facilitators (O’Dowd, 2018).VE could be integrated in any type of studies at any educational level but is especially important in implementing Joint Program as it could facilitate strengthening the jointness in programs.

The goal is to share and reflect positive and challenging aspects of VE in European Joint Master in Social Work with Children and Youth (ESWOCHY Co-designed VE was at the heart of the Programme from its beginning, however, it was not so easy to implement due to structural as well as individual challenges.

The methodology is based on qualitative research methods involving interview of Programme managers, teachers and students as well as presenting written reports data. The conceptual framework is based on main characteristics of VE (sustained, technology-enabled; based on regular synchronous or near-synchronous meetings; people-to-people; learner-led; facilitated; educational; structured to foster mutual understanding) aiming to find their reflections in ESWOCHY.

ESWOCHY is designed in a way that students start semester in Intensive face-to-face learning weeks and then follow courses both online with international teachers and face-to-face with local teachers. Each course is designed and taught at least by two teachers from two different countries. They are sharing the responsibility of the content, teaching, methods, tasks for students, evaluation criteria, etc. Other participants as guest teachers, scholars, practitioners are also involved in the courses. Each semester students study in a different Consortium university. During their studies students experience being together face-to-face as well as being together online.

Students interview data shows that they value teaching by two or more teachers from different institutions: "All the guest lecturers are experts in their own field. It is easier to understand when two lecturers speak on the same subject”, "These lectures were absolutely brilliant. Very great additions to the program"; "They brought a diverse knowledge and work experience from different countries". However, at the beginning it was quite challenging for teacher and brought higher workload, but on the other hand it helped to look for better ways of collaboration. In this case not only students needed team building activities but also teachers. They had to know each other better before the lectures in order to work together during Intensive weeks face to face and later on line in synchronous and asynchronous meetings. The first years’ experience showed the necessity to change the point of view from "my university", "my country" requirements into joint issues as 'our program" and "our Consortium requirements"; the ability to adapt the programme to the different educational and organizational realities of each country in this Consortium, the learning of flexibility of pedagogical methods and teaching cultures for the effectiveness of internationalization.
Virtual Exchange, European Joint Master in Social Work with Children and Youth, jointness.