About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2969-2976
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.0829
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
In this paper we want to show how analogue and digital games can be used as tools in the field of education for improving democratic culture and peace related competences.

As research shows, games and game elements are effective means to increase motivation, communication and inclusion of pupils. Besides the fun factor they also show positive effects on socialisation as well as problem solving skills and acquisition of a wide range of competences.

The EU funded project Peace Games (ERASMUS+) [1] aims to contribute to the development of citizenship, democratic and social competences by using the full creative potential of game-based learning in formal and informal learning. The project is developed and realized within the Laboratory for Education Inspiring Peace (EIP Lab) and nine partners from all over Europe.

The aim is to spread and to strengthen peace-related competences in learners and at helping teachers to make good educational use of games. In a selection procedure 55 games were identified by the project consortium and collected in a catalog [2]. Building on the competences of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture of the Council of Europe [3] the project partners defined seven thematic areas in which the games were categorized:
1) Children’s Rights, Democracy, Citizenship;
2) Decision-making;
3) Cooperation;
4) Prevention of bullying, Disabilities;
5) Prejudices and stereotypes, Cultural diversity, Intercultural understanding;
6) Peace and War;
7) Feelings and Emotions.

In extensive piloting actions the collected games were tested with over 700 participants in schools and educational institutions in six different countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain). The aim was to find out which positive impact they can have on young people in developing and increasing competences and skills for democratic culture.

The guiding questions were:
Q1: How can game play activity be successfully used for developing peace related competence and acquisition in different learning settings?
Q2: What are the factors of success for game-based teaching of peace related competence?

For this paper selected examples were chosen to show possible applications for the use of games for the acquisition of peace competences. They can be used, e.g., in the context of citizenship education or also as collaboration of teachers teaching different subjects (history class, language class, art education class and so on). It is also taken into consideration that games can be used at different types of schools, e.g. primary schools, grammar schools, high schools, vocational schools, or as extra-curricular activities like workshops and game sessions, summer schools or project days.
It also addresses problems that arise when integrating such games into everyday school practice - fitting into school mission statements or available resources.

Reported research is based on qualitative and quantitative feedback from pupils and teachers. Building on the results of the piloting and the thematic grouping of the games, the paper also presents guidelines for teachers, which support them in the implementation of games in everyday teaching.

Peace Games, game-based-learning, guidelines for teachers, peace-related skills, serious games.