Miguel Hernández University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2011 Proceedings
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 707-709
ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-9 March, 2011
Location: Valencia, Spain
We continually must review the skills, especially in the field of professional studies, where people who carry out these studies want to receive an education according to their needs, with the purpose of obtaining professional competencies and thereby achieve a high degree of " employability”.
Training makes the learning objectives in terms of Competencies. The concept of competence includes not only the skills required for the exercise of a profession, but also a set of behaviors, faculties of analysis, decisions , transmission of information , etc. that are considered necessary to their future professional development This means that the lessons taught in the professional modules should be commensurate with the skills that are necessary to perform a particular activity of his work.
In the case of Pharmaceutical Compounding, a professional module that belongs to the cycle of Pharmacy Technician, we have studied professional achievements and learning results, and we have observed some gaps of knowledge that we have considered necessary for the proper performance of professional activity. Therefore we have set as an objective of this work, the study of professional achievement and performance criteria of the unit of competency "assist in the development of pharmaceutical and officinal formulations, special dietetic and cosmetics, under the supervision of the physician" associated with training module "preparation of pharmaceutical and officinal formulations, dietetic and cosmetic" . For this, we have reviewed the INCUAL documentation involved on Professional Qualifications: UC0366_2 competency unit. R.D. 1689/2007 of December 14, 2007 (BOE n º 15, 2008), which publishes the results of the professional learning (code 0104) and Order of July 29, 2009 of Ministry of Education of the G. V. (DOGV n º 6093). After studying the relevant sections, we observed a lack of mathematical knowledge in the area, so it is doubtful that students could achieve the skills necessary for the proper achievement of the objectives that the professional module is seeking .
Training cycle, skills, pharmacy technician.