Southern Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 9538-9547
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2303
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
World civilization is experiencing a real “educational explosion”, based on the emergence of a new type of society - an information society, a revolution in technology, technology, economics, and a changed understanding of individual rights, freedoms and responsibilities. The education system is presented with a new social order - the content of education becomes the foundation of the basic culture of the individual. In global educational space pedagogical communication has a decisive importance. A person becomes a true subject through active communicative activity with other “I”, cultures, himself, acquires his own image, and determines his life strategy. A modern teacher is not just a carrier of a certain amount of knowledge and masters the methods of teaching and educational work, he becomes a partner, accomplice, guide in this huge, rapidly developing global information space, an indicator and guide in the world of knowledge. The teacher has to work today in modern communication systems, to use various channels for transmitting and receiving information. The need of modern society to fill the education system with teachers of a new type, capable to develop their personal qualities, able to use their natural capabilities with maximum effect, and develop their general and communicative culture, is becoming obvious. The art of communication underlies all of his practical professional activities. And, therefore, the effectiveness of work depends on the level of development of the future teacher’s communication abilities. In modern conditions of the information society, the requirements for communicative culture have especially increased. Professional, interpersonal interactions require from a modern teacher a universal ability to generate and implement a variety of contacts in various forms, the ability to work on the basis of modern communication technologies in a new digital educational environment, possessing a new type of thinking. Purpose of the study: scientific substantiation, development and experimental testing of a system for developing the communicative culture of future primary school teachers in the conditions of the information society.The methodological basis of the study consists of: philosophical ideas about the essence and content of culture; conceptual approaches to the formation of a communicative culture: provisions of the culturological approach; ideas of a personality-oriented approach, which involves relying on value guidelines, moral attitudes and motives for students’ activities; the ideas of a system-activity approach, which presupposes the presence of a subject position of the student in the educational process and a system of interconnected elements, ordered in a certain way and focused on achieving the goals of the system; provisions of the communicative approach, guaranteeing understanding, dialogue, cooperation, empathy and pedagogical support for the individual; ideas of a meta-subject approach, which involves the integration of knowledge and the integrity of worldview. We have used research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, materials and publications of periodicals, information resources on the Internet, curricula and programs of pedagogical universities, educational and teaching aids; modeling and designing the process of developing the communicative culture of a future primary school teacher.
Communication, teacher, primary school, communication culture.