University of Zadar (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 2954-2964
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0632
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In order for the transition from preschool to elementary school to pass with as little stress as possible, it is very important to prepare both the child and the parents. In the new, school environment, the phase of new experiences and challenges for the child begins. The child needs to adjust to the new rules of behavior, sit in one place and follow certain activities for a long period of time until their end. Furthermore, their ability to learn and perform tasks is constantly assessed. Also, it is the first test of a child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and other abilities. In order for a child to be able to meet the new requirements, they need to be mentally and emotionally mature enough to start school. On the way to prepare for school, the cooperation of parents and preschool institutions is necessary, and their common goal is for the child to become independent, self-aware, self-confident, and accepted in the new environment. Cooperation between parents and preschool teachers is based on two-way communication, joint decision-making, and encouragement of the child’s development and learning. Two-way communication in this relationship is very important because both parties possess information that is important to share with each other in order to achieve the set goals in relation to the child, parents, and preschool teacher. Quality cooperation has three important characteristics: equality, activeness, and responsibility of both the parents and the preschool teacher. Equality means that the goals and obligations related to the upbringing of the child are shared, activeness means that the development of the child is encouraged and responsibility implies that both parties have their duties and rights. It is also important to emphasize that cooperation is based on mutual trust and respect. What is the importance of cooperation between parents and educational institutions? This type of cooperation results in the parent’s better understanding of the work in the kindergarten, and later in the school, increases in their parenting competencies and in that way correctly providing help and support to the child, thus increasing the quality of the child’s care. The child also benefits from cooperation. They achieve better success in kindergarten and school, increase their self-confidence, successfully overcome difficulties, believe that their parent can help them, and value education as a part of their life. With the cooperation of all participants, the quality and successful transition of the child from preschool to elementary school is achieved.

The main goal of this paper will be to present the characteristics of the child's development and readiness for elementary school, to describe quality cooperation and forms of work with parents, and to determine their well-being. In particular, the roles of all factors of cooperation will be considered.
Child, cooperation, parents, preparation for school, preschool institution.