University of Manchester (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 7443 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1752
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
This presentation will present an innovative practise in educational technology for post-pandemic classrooms, by showing how integrating digital tools and technologies enhances formative assessment. Building on from the pandemic response, the session will share how OneNote is used for formative assessment. This was further developed to be 100% assessed by peer-to-peer feedback. The final development of using technology, led to additional peer-to-peer learning experience for students. The approach can be applied in any higher educational setting that includes group work, and/or build on a theoretical framework that is practically applied or implemented.

The innovative practise:
The presentation will present how groups of students were asked to complete two separate formative assessments. Each assessment included a practical application of two studied frameworks. The assessment output in each assessment was a 2-page document (word or PowerPoint). The student groups were asked to upload their piece of work in a shared OneNote folder by the specified deadline.
As part of the assessment, students were asked to provide constructive feedback (according to a rubric) on two other groups uploaded assessment within a specified deadline.

The method:
In the full-time MBA program at University of Manchester, in the first consultancy course, the MBA students are divided in 20 groups with five or six students in each. The groups complete a consultancy project for a not-for-profit organisations, facing a real business issue.
In the initial supporting lectures of the course, students are taught two specific frameworks, which are essential in both identifying and answering the consultancy question.
After a brief introduction to the frameworks, the students attempt to apply them to their specific client problem. It is worth noting that each consultancy project and client situation is different. The students have between four and eight days to complete the application of the framework and upload to OneNote. The students then have another five days to provide feedback to two other groups uploaded framework application assessment.

Benefits and learning:
The benefits and learnings are multiple:
- Students will receive two receive separate views of feedback on each submitted piece of work.
- Students will learn how to provide feedback according to a set rubric
- Students will engage in reflection (compare and contrast) on their own submission in relation to the two pieces they have assessed and provided feedback on.
- Students will benefit from peer-to-peer learning as all submissions are uploaded and shared in the course.
- It enhances students’ digital skills

[1] Using OneNote Notebook as a learning resource is established. (Bamforth, S., Perkin, G. and Flint, J. 2019), Using OneNote for assessment and feedback have been practised in other subject areas, for example Chemics as discussed by Gooneratne, S. and Elkington, S. (2021). The innovative practise, not discussed in the literature, is to use OneNote for students to provide peer-to-peer feedback according to a specified rubric on numerous other student group assignments.
OneNote, Formative Assessment, Feedback, Peer-to-peer learning.