University of Zaragoza (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3810-3815
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0931
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
We live in a digital society where access to a large amount of information is done through audiovisual material. In addition, this material allows to enhance the acquisition of knowledge, energize classes and increase student motivation. The present teaching innovation project consists of the elaboration of a repository of audiovisual material to improve the learning of the practical contents of the subject "General Psychopathology", which aim to identify, diagnose and justify the different psychopathological alterations that occur in different clinical cases. These cases have traditionally been presented on paper, and our objective is to offer a more "ecological" procedure. We will use videos from real testimonies of people with different pathologies or we will extract them from series or movies. Through the videos students will be able to identify certain behaviors or symptoms from "real or fictitious" people.

The sample of this project are the students of the subject "General Psychopathology" of the Degree of Psychology at the Campus of Teruel (University of Zaragoza) offered in the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022. Of all the students enrolled in the subject (n= 84), 70.2% of them responded to the evaluations at the beginning of the course (n=59). Of these, 81.4% were women, 16.9% were men, and 1.7% others. The average age of the students was 19.8 (SD=1.11, range 19-23). The procedure followed was the search and selection by the teaching staff of audiovisual resources with the aim of creating a repository, and supporting the case-based practices of the course. At the beginning of the course an evaluation was carried out using the "Situational Motivation Scale" instrument, which will be used again after the end of the course, and a questionnaire developed ad hoc to evaluate satisfaction and opinion on the use of audiovisual resources for the development of the practices, which will be evaluated at the end of the course.

Expected results:
The final data of this project will be collected and analyzed after the end of the subject (approximately in June). Preliminary results have shown a moderate initial motivation of students in relation to the activities of the subject 4.83 (SD=1.14, range 2.00-6.75, out of 7). The general results expected with this teaching innovation project are the following:
1) greater student motivation and participation in the practical classes of the course,
2) an improvement in the knowledge and understanding of the psychopathological alterations of the different mental processes through their visualization in "real examples" and
3) a better consolidation of the practical knowledge of the course (better marks at the final exam).

The use of audiovisual material as a learning tool will encourage a more ecological and realistic work context for the students, training their ability to "observe the patient", since in the future they will have to perform this task in real cases. The project will allow students to identify certain behaviors or symptoms in "real or fictitious" people, which will have a positive effect on the way they acquire and consolidate knowledge, and on the links between the different sources of information, as well as increasing the motivation, participation and active monitoring of the students during the practical classes of the subject.

This project was funded by the University of Zaragoza (PIIDUZ_1_431).
Audiovisual resources, Learning tool, General Psychopathology, Degree of Psychology.