Colégio Novo da Maia (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2686-2691
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.0749
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Project based-learning is a reflective methodology based on and supported by research in a systematic, controlled, and participatory way, which aims to identify problems and solve them through practical actions. The student is an active agent, contributing to the student knowing and transforming their reality (Kokotsaki et al., 2016). Aligned with the considerations of the theoretical-methodological framework 'Students' profile by the end of compulsory schooling' (Ministério da Educação/Direção-Geral da Educação, 2017), the new educational paradigm postulates that schools should promote their educational practices within the scope of different literacies, in a renewed, motivating, and flexible (yet rigorous) learning environment. Such an approach intends to recover the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary vocation of knowledge with the ultimate goal of qualifying young people in a democratic ambience.

This study aims to present the A+ Project, a project conceived by the Colégio Novo da Maia, a private educational institution located in the city of Maia (Portugal). The A+ Project emerges as a pedagogical approach based on the interdisciplinarity and complementarity of different subject areas, flexible curriculum management, bilingual culture, the use of new technologies and the participation of several teachers from different areas of knowledge in the teaching-learning process. Such endeavour implies articulating specific contents and transversal competencies rooted in a collaborative culture using the project methodology and designing physical spaces inspired by the classroom of the future (ProLabs), herein conceived as learning laboratories. Therefore, student learning becomes integrative and holistic, articulating all content areas by discussing research topics - brainstorming - and documenting progress in a project/learning log. Throughout this process, the project is also subject to changes suggested by the students themselves, including families, the community and articulation between study levels.

This article presents the results of an investigation carried out within the scope of the implementation of the A+ Project, whose main objective is to understand the contribution of the project methodology to student learning and in their preparation for active citizenship, as well as to evaluate its importance in achieving the strategic guidelines defined and/or implemented by the educational institution. Given the nature of the phenomena being studied and the use of different sources of information, the case study methodology presented itself as the most appropriate research strategy, with this research having, as a starting point, the sharing of good practices and challenges related to the project methodology and collaborative work. As the project is still in progress, results will be presented based on documentary analysis and descriptive analysis of data obtained through questionnaires applied to students and teachers.

This study intends to demonstrate the impact of the project methodology on the teaching-learning process and the personal and social development of the students. Thus, it may be a valuable tool for researchers who intend to innovate in the scope of pedagogical approaches that can be developed along the academic pathway of the students of several education levels.
Project based learning, project methodology, interdisciplinarity, teaching-learning process, learning environments.