About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8500-8503
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2234
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
This work aims to evaluate the Master's course in Organizational Management – Public Management branch of ISCAP-P Porto. For this, it is important to address what Public Management is and then realize how important a Master's course in this area is.
Dwight Waldo (1984, p12) states that, 'Perhaps as much as any other one thing, the “management” movement has shaped the outlook of those to whom public administration is an independent inquiry or definable discipline'.

Rainey (1977) points out some differences between public and private management:
(1) that the public interest differs from private interests,
(2) that public officials, because they exercise the sovereign power of the state, are necessarily accountable to democratic values rather than to any particular group or material interest, and
(3) that the constitution requires equal treatment of persons and rules out the kind of selectivity that is essential to sustaining profitability.

In an organic sense, Public Administration can be distinguished into large groups: the first group is the Direct Administration of the State (DGAEP, 2018).
The second group is the Indirect Administration of the State, which “includes public entities, distinct from the legal person State, endowed with legal personality and administrative and financial autonomy that carry out an administrative activity that pursues the State’s own ends” (DGAEP, 2018, p.2).
The third, and last group of the Indirect State Administration, refers to the Autonomous Administration (DGAEP, 2018).
The current study plan of the Master in Management of Organizations – Public Management branch, was approved by Dispatch n.º 14238/2013. The study plan is approved for 6 years.

The main objective of this study plan is to ensure that future graduates have a solid training in the area of management, as well as to guarantee them the acquisition of skills in a specific specialty, in order to prepare them for the exercise of a professional activity in organizational contexts, in companies and/or institutions (public and private, profit or non-profit), and different environments.

A study was carried out that went through:
1) Access to the evaluation reports of each curricular unit
2) Survey of students to determine possible points to improve
The following methodology is quantitative, processing the data obtained, seeking to determine trends and results through graphs.
All teachers are committed to promoting the best teaching practices. Often, teaching methodologies are adopted using case studies and the respective discussion. On the other hand, teachers monitor the work carried out by students within the framework of continuous assessment.
The maintenance of a good level of academic success demonstrates the timeliness and pertinence of the adjustments made.

[1] DGAP (2018). Organization of State Administration. Accessed in December 2022.
[2] Rainey, Hal G. 1990. 'Public Management: Recent Developments and Current Prospects,' in Naomi B. Lynn and Aaron Wildavsky, eds., Public Administration: The State of the Discipline, Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, pp. 157-184.
[3] Waldo, Dwight. 1984s. The administrative state, second edition. New York: Holmes and Meier. Waldo, Dwight. 1984s. The administrative state, second edition. New York: Holmes and Meier.
Public Management, Master's degree, Universities, Teaching Methodologies.