Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 1963-1971
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0498
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The theme of gender differences has its place in a number of research perspectives. Following the critical attitude to this problematic, in the article we start with the view that the relation between genders is a social construction, i.e. that gender differences are a cultural phenomenon, a reflex of the dominating ideas of the dominating culture. Our thesis is that the appearance of the structure of inter-gender relations as a natural order is largely at the basis of culturally shared dual stereotypes and leads to the formation of unequal value of genders. We take it that through education, it is possible to change social stereotypes and encourage the achievement of gender equality by changing dualist and stereotyped norms.

Hence, the importance of the theme of human rights defense and its role in the realization of the potential of women and men by reaching gender equality in the different spheres of life, primarily in education. Here we have in mind the institutional practices concerning the equal standing of genders in education – leading positions taken, payment in different full-time jobs, access to vocational and career development etc. as compared to other professional areas, but simultaneously the changes in individual and collective knowledge in relation to gender as a result of these practices. The key concept with which we work is ‘equal value’. Introducing it as a conceptual construct, we insist on the precision of the discussion on gender beyond the traditional ideas of equal insurance or of achieving a qualitative equality of results. The term ‘gender equality’ already assumes certain socially shared stereotypes of the role of women, certain social relations concerning gender, and hence certain related institutional and everyday social constructions. The term ‘equal standing’, however, presupposes equal treatment, or equally valuable treatment, or a treatment that is different and offers a set of recommendations structured in different levels. Hence, the need to introduce the gender debate in different spheres of education: from training teachers to defining subject-matter knowledge, from the problematization of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence to changing the attitudes to some traditional and contemporary stereotyped perceptions and prejudice of the role of women/men in professional and family life.

The methodology of the study is qualitative – with the aid of analyzing the content of documents (international, European, and national reports), we will see how some countries pursue the goal of gender equality in education, the problems they face, and their important achievements in this direction. The analytic interpretations of national legislative documents and responsible bodies on gender equality will present the understanding of gender roles in Bulgaria and their influence on the full personal and professional realization of women and of men, including in education. We will show in what way international and European standards in the sphere of gender stereotypes, their relation to gender inequality and gender-based violence, results in change in the objectified, institutionally established and juridically guaranteed norms, and hence – we hope – to a gradual change in individual behaviors, attitudes and expectations. In the end, a short statistic will be presented of the equal standing of women and men in Bulgarian higher education (in state-owned and private institutions).
Gender, inequality, gender equality, equal value, equal standing, education, socially shared stereotypes.