Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3391-3399
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0829
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
This paper describes a significant experience in higher education, based on the use of the e-portfolio, a comprehensive tool to promote active pedagogies, which not only develops skills in students to achieve the expected learning outcomes, but also digital and citizenship competencies in both teachers and students, taking into account the European framework of digital competencies.

Basically, the proposal focuses on demonstrating how the digital portfolio allows the development of teaching-learning activities in a diversified, entertaining and reflective way to achieve significant learning, which leads to the following problematizing question: Why does the digital portfolio favors the implementation of active pedagogies in the classroom and the management of information and knowledge to achieve meaningful learning?

The experience was carried out at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia), with 420 students from the Faculties of Engineering and Economics, Administrative and Accounting Sciences, during the development of the mandatory courses of Project Evaluation and Entrepreneurship, and the elective course of Financing for Entrepreneurs, in the second semester of 2019, and first and second semester of 2020. As facilitating and mediating tools of the educational process under the concept of the digital portfolio, the virtual board TRELLO and Google-Drive were used.

This practice has been significant in the aforementioned context, because it has allowed to carry out the pedagogical transformation supported by Information and Communication Technologies, favoring active learning in students, through a series of activities that strengthen their autonomy, their preferences at the time to learn (based on learning styles), and the construction of meaningful knowledge, that is, outside of collecting the evidence that led to the achievement of the Expected Learning Results (RAE), the use of the digital portfolio, it has provided students with the opportunity to manage the learning information, reflection on their actions, responsibility for their own learning, the projection of the application of the acquired knowledge in their professional performance and the decision-making, that is, self-regulation of their own learning.

Likewise, teachers have been able to self-regulate their teaching work, through information management, mediation, enrichment and feedback of the teaching-learning processes involved, all this, in a space provided with resources and evidence that are within easy reach.

The methodology used to describe the experience, focuses on the educational process developed with the technological mediation of the digital portfolio in the context mentioned above, supported in turn by: the educational theories that promote active learning, the evidence of the teacher's and the student's actions, the portfolio evaluation rubric, as well as, the analysis of the learning achieved and not achieved by the students, the reflections on the teaching process, the possible risks that may arise with the experience and the improvement plan and recommendations for future experiences aimed at creating communities of practice.
Teaching innovation, e-portfolio, meaningful learning, active learning, digital competencies.