Liepaja University (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5124-5130
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1247
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The rapid changes in the 21st century have changed the values of education, henceforth the acquisition and reproduction of the previous values and norms of society has not been set as the main task, but rather the ability to adapt continuously to the rapidly changing world and to be included in the lifelong learning process. Paradigm changes determine that the acquisition of theoretical content in the education systems of different countries should be supplemented with the skills necessary for a successful life and career. One of the most important values for the future is the acquisition of self-directed learning skills.

In 2020 Latvia started the transition to the implementation of a new educational content, in which it is expected to acquire not only the theoretical knowledge of seven learning areas (social and civic, cultural understanding and self-expression in art, natural sciences, mathematics, technology, health and physical activities, languages), but also targeted development of certain transversal skills – critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and entrepreneurship, cooperation, civic participation, digital skills, as well as self-directed learning skills, determining the results to be achieved at the end of grades 3, 6 and 9.

It is important to promote the development of self-directed learning skills in the early stages of primary education, from the first steps of education in the 1st grade. Students at this age really need some support to develop their self-directed learning skills. The teacher’s competence and methodological support system built on scientific foundations, as well as a suitable physical and social emotional environment, which both create favourable conditions for the development of self-directed learning skills and are an important factor for the development of the students' personality, are essential.

The research shows an analysis of the scientific literature on the socio-emotional environment and the improvement of self-directed learning skills as well as content analysis of Latvian education documents.

The obtained insights were used to construct an interaction model of the influence of the socio-emotional environment on self-directed learning, using the achievable results of self-directed learning skills promoted in the Latvian education system as an example of analysis.

The purpose of the research: analyse the impact of the social emotional environment on self-directed learning skills development in the context of the Latvia education reform and the theoretical aspects of the teacher’s role in such an environment creation.

Constructing a model of mutual interaction between the socio-emotional environment and self-directed learning, it was concluded that a favourable socio-emotional environment in the classroom directly affects factors such as students' learning motivation and cooperation with the teacher and peers in the classroom, which are important components of the process of improving quality self-directed learning skills.

Self-directed learning, social emotional environment, teacher, students.