1 Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (ECUADOR)
2 Universidad de Cádiz (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 4621-4627
ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.1143
Conference name: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 11-13 March, 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain
The education sector is no stranger to the digital transformation that is bursting very strongly into various industries and services. The actors in education (teachers, students, managers, regulators, government, employers) are demanding services that are increasingly alienated from digitization and the benefits it brings.

The increasingly diverse formats of educational services, which reinforce the concept of ubiquitous education, require technology-based support. Precisely, we have within our reach the opportunity to apply technological innovation, already proven in sectors as complex as finance or logistics, in the field of education. Specifically, we have enough technological tools to design educational services that take advantage of the disruptive aspect and put it at the service of the actors of education.

What current disruptive technology can reinforce new educational models and formats? The answer is BlockChain technology.

BlockChain, is a technology with such diverse characteristics, having as fundamental base to promote the confidence in a distributed and decentralized model. These characteristics with the guarantee of a level of security in the services that are designed on BlockChain, lead us to propose some preeminent educational services that are the starting point to decentralize the education, make it more global and fair, and where the center of activities, decisions and route to follow are the student.

The design of these services on BlockChain, will not only allow improvements on the current regulated education, but will also enhance the dynamics around Intelligent Learning, Non-regulated Training, Collaborative Training, Cross-layer Training, Training with self-generated data, Exploration and application of assistive technologies. And all of this, thanks to the fact that it is possible to design educational services on BlockChain with financial, logistical, legal and health services as a reference, which is already a reality.

The results obtained from the research of BlockChain technology applied to education, cover the demand for decentralized trust to the actors of education in an increasingly digital environment. This decentralized trust is based on the proposal, definition and design of educational services that implement solutions and services offered to the actors and stakeholders of the education system.

The services identified as a starting point to serve as a reference and extension to a more ambitious proposal based on BlockChain are:
- The digital identification that will give accessibility, security and integrity.
- The certification of training carried out (university degrees).
- Tracking of grades with your signed log using advanced cryptographic tools.
- Custody and validation of works presented, such as doctoral theses.
- Valuation of the calendar of training activities, helping a better planning of attendees, resources, physical or digital spaces.
- To work with a true and immutability plan of student life.
- Collaboration and traceability with the labor market.

This work tries to lay the foundations of a powerful design of services for education and its actors, taking as relevant and necessary the use of a technology like BlockChain for its development and empowerment. It is detailed, who are the executors and users of these services, will define the levels of interaction and collaboration, will model the flows of knowledge, the categorizations of academic certifications, among others.
Blockchain, education, decentralized, services, distributed, technology applied, ubiquitous education.