1 Universidad de Cádiz (SPAIN)
2 Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (ECUADOR)
About this paper:
Conference name: 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 12-14 November, 2018
Location: Seville, Spain
Based on the statement that the University of the future should be an institution that structures, builds and distributes plans and training initiatives for a large part of the population throughout their lives and that in turn generate knowledge at the service of training needs (Salinas, 2012), it is proposed to investigate the new curriculums, designs, formats and schemes in terms of Educational Learning. Our starting point is the local reality of the educational field of Guayaquil where all people must be beneficiaries of Education regardless of the way it is presented, that is, whether in a face-to-face, blended or virtual format.
It is also necessary to emphasize that since the term of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) was coined in the last decades in terms of education, a greater emphasis has been placed on trying to equal access to training, through the virtual and ubiquitous Modality with the objective of "eliminating the gap in access to quality education in the developing world" (Pereira, 2007), hence, in many of the analyzes and research carried out, the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), Personal Learning Environments and Networks (PLEPLN) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) has been encouraged.
The main objective of this study is to demonstrate that the use of MOOCs in education can reduce the educational gap through the use of technology reaching remote places and institutions that, due to lack of resources in many cases, cannot provide education more updated and close to the reality of each receiver. Moreover, the use of EVA, in Spanish means "Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje" (Virtual Learning Environments, VLE) in combination with MOOCs will help to get the goals of a planned educational program.
In the same way, the Materials and Methods to carry out this study consist of a first qualitative research, where surveys, interviews, classroom observations and field studies were conducted to demonstrate the actions and the development of the teachers in the use of MOOCs. The result that was obtained after the investigation and the processing of the collected data, is that the use of the new Technological Resources on the part of the students reinforces the teaching-learning process, allowing to obtain students with more knowledge, therefore, it is concluded that teachers should be constantly trained in the management of ICTs and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE, or EVA in Spanish) to make their classes more dynamic, not monotonous, and to increase the interest of the recipient of the training.Keywords:
MOOC, OER, ICT, Information Technology and Communication, e-learning, Distance Education, Open Learning.