1 ISVOUGA – Instituto Superior de Entre o Douro e Vouga (PORTUGAL)
2 Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2015 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 5544-5554
ISBN: 978-84-608-2657-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2015
Location: Seville, Spain
This article approaches the different creation stages of a measurement model of the level of the features of the web tools used by students in their daily lives. Many of these tools have low cognitive abilities but through the created model they can be reused in a more efficient way in the learning process.
The methodological approach of this study is the multi methodological type and it is directly related to each phase of creation of the model. In the analysis, design, development and implementation phase of a qualitative methodology was used in the evaluation of the model and in the validation of the level of the features of the web tools was used a quantitative methodology.
The study was conducted based on five key stages of modelling: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Each of these has ensured the specific aims established in response to the main question of this research: What X.0 web tools best fit the transmission of knowledge of certain teaching contents?
In the analysis phase were selected four basic pillars of the current teaching-learning environments: the domains of knowledge, the theory of connectivism, web tools (specifically the type of LMS, Learning Management System) directed to the management of learning and the Bologna Declaration. These pillars were the basis for sustainability of the selection of the parameters which enabled the validation model of Web X.0 tools.
The design phase generated the sketch of the experimental model that was later developed. The structured planning model was set up in 4 steps: definition of constraints, selection criteria, requirements specification and revision of the specification. At this stage we identified the criteria based on the mathematical formulation, and was established which ones allowed the level of validation tools web features.
The materialization of the design effect was made in the development stage of the definition of validation parameters, the restriction necessary and the validation requirements of the web tools. At the end of this stage was done the model of the experimental evaluation using the five web tools most used in Portugal in the month of analysis. This test allows us to test the formula created earlier.
The implementation and evaluation of the model was based on the study of two distinct cases: in the first study the target population consisted of 22 graduated trainees of an educational form and active life training. In this study the reference formation belongs to the education area of computer science, with the process of education and training for installation and operation of computer systems, level 2. The training unit that allowed the evaluation of the model was the computer architecture for a period of 50 hours.
The second case study was attended by 20 strainees with an active life and education, whose education belongs to the field of trade training. In this study, the process of education and technical training / commercial is level 4. The training unit that allowed the evaluation of the model was the English language for a 50 hours period.
The construction of the model aimed to validate the level of the features of the web tools in teaching and learning, that can be used in a more efficient transmission of educational content.
Evaluation; model; validation; features; web tools; education; learning; training.