1 Higher School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém and CIDTFF. (PORTUGAL)
2 University of Aveiro And Research Center on Didactics And Technology in the Education of Trainers (CIDTFF), Department of Education and Psychology (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 9079-9088
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2187
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the daily routines of teachers is increasingly crucial for the success of teaching practices. It is necessary for future teachers to be prepared with digital skill, enabling them to incorporate the technical aspects of ICT within pedagogical frameworks. They must also demonstrate the ability to make informed and critical decisions regarding ICT's application in the teaching-learning process. Essential skills such as communication, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills should be included in the training of future teachers.

Technological advancements enable the creation of online communities, such as:
a) Practical online communities foster communication among professionals, enhancing knowledge and skills through shared practices and ideas for professional development;
b) Online learning communities emphasize interactions and collaborations, promoting active participation and skills crucial for professional future. Both formats are vital in future teachers' training, facilitating collaborative learning, information sharing, and skill development essential for effective educational practices.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand how these communities are perceived by future teachers, regarding their usefulness in developing skills and knowledge and prepare for professional practice.

This study occurs in ICT and Basic Education (TIC e EB - Portuguese-language acronym), optional course within the Education Basic undergraduate program at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). The main goal is to activate students' digital skills alongside pedagogical knowledge by developing a project focused on exploring ICT for Basic Education.

We adopted the e-Sim pedagogical approach, emphasizing immersive learning through engaging narratives that simulate a practical online community. Students assume roles as interns at an ICT Competence Center in Basic Education, where they share themes, collaborate on projects, and engage in tasks like creating tutorials for digital tools or pedagogical approaches.

For this study, we utilized the Seesaw platform to simulate an online community, enabling future teachers to share and discuss ideas related to ICT in Education, thereby creating a realistic simulation of interactions and collaboration akin to those found in practical online communities.

We adopted a qualitative methodology with the goal of understanding students’ perceptions about:
1) the e-Sim approach, and
2) the simulation of an online community in their learning process.

We administered a questionnaire with two open questions to assess students' perceptions at the end of the course, and a thematic analysis was conducted based on responses from 16 students.

Students expressed that the e-Sim approach and the online community were a positive experience in terms of motivation, interactivity, innovation, and relevance for learning and the development of knowledge and skills related to ICT. They suggested exploring more features of Seesaw, enhancing discussion and debate, and allowing access to the community after the experience.

We concluded that the simulation of online practical communities, in the students' perception, contributes to the development of knowledge and preparation for their professional future.

This work is financially supported by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UIDB/00194/2020.
e-Sim pedagogical approach, Immersive Learning, Online learning communities, Preservice teacher development.