Latvia University of Agriculture (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
This study analyses the ICT lifelong learning motivation of extramural programming school (EPS) students in different socio-economic groups depending on gender. EPS is non-profit organisation at the Faculty of Information Technologies of the Latvia University of Agriculture and offers the learning courses for all persons, who are interested to get basic and advanced ICT skills in programming languages. The main socio-economic groups of EPS students include pupils, students, teachers, unemployed and other persons; therefore, the socio-economic status is one of the factors that can influence the students’ motivation in ICT lifelong learning. To compare students success rate for the last six study years, the number of completed study courses for 909 EPS students was analysed, depending on social and gender factors. Besides, for the students’ motivation comparison, admission rate also was analysed for the different socio-economic groups and gender. The results of the study show that gender factor is significant in lifelong learning motivation, where the share of women in different social groups, except the pupils group, is higher than man. Improving qualification during the life give a chance for women to reduce the gender pay gap and get broader portfolio of skills. It is necessary to stress, that the share of men between pupils is higher than women, because men have greater professional interest to get broader ICT knowledge before their higher education study. At the same time there are no differences between success rate (number of completed study courses) of women and men in the different socio-economic groups.Keywords:
ICT lifelong learning, ICT motivation, socio-economic status.