1 Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch (BULGARIA)
2 University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9801-9809
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.2041
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to combat the spread of the virus could cause unwanted problems in providing educational and mobility opportunities for students and teachers in the European Union (EU). The education sector responds to quarantine by moving to online learning.

Online teaching requires specifying how learners and teachers are prepared to respond to change and refine the effectiveness of teaching methods and tools. Digital learning management systems, communication tools and e-learning platforms play an important role throughout this pandemic. Software and applications can help learners manage, plan, deliver, and track the learning process.

The authors in this article identify new directions in the development of information management technologies and measurement, control and regulation systems. The use of computer-based measurement and control systems, known as PC-based Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems and control, based on specialized PC boards, modules and components, is required.

A virtual statistical data processing tool has been developed and tested. It is used for training bachelor and master students in the discipline of electrical measurements. The data is taken from a real working installation. The virtual tool is integrated into a real-time online software system.

A statistical virtual tool has also been developed to check the distribution of data obtained from multiple measurements. The tool is implemented in the LabView programming environment and this allows it to be embedded as a module in more complex data processing programs. The statistical virtual tool is based on the LabView software platform developed by NI - Instrument. It consists of a LabJack UE9 data acquisition module (DAQ) and an expansion card that increases the number of measurement channels through virtualization. The measured values ​​can be temperature, voltage and current through the respective sensors. The information from the sensors converted into an electrical signal falls on the input of differential amplifiers of the respective channels of the expansion card.

The created virtual tool has the following functions: Construction of Errorbar of the studied quantity with or without adding to it the information about the total uncertainty; function for constructing a distribution histogram, quantile by quantile, manually or automatically; a function for calculating the Chi-Square estimate that is based on Pearson's algorithm.

The results are processed in the following sequence: exclusion of gross and systematic errors; determining the type of distribution of the results of repeated observations; elimination of uncertainty in the final result due to random errors.

Students conduct statistical tests based on a sample taken from a real working measuring system of an installation for measuring the parameters of photovoltaic PV and PVT panels.

The setup and verification of the developed tool are performed based on the performed experiments on SPSS and Excel. A reference generator simulating a normal distribution is added to the created Chi-Square test.

The file generated by the measuring system contains information about 599 attempts. When set with the N-Opity potentiometer and Multiplayer 599, all experiments and their uncertainty as a result of the measurements are visible.
Computer-based measurement, data acquisition system, statistical data processing tool, LabView, Chi-Square estimate.