University of Oradea (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6805-6809
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1793
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The family, these days, doesn’t represent a conservative institution anymore in my opinion, but this does not lead to a diminuation of the importance of the family in social life. We could rather say that the family, nowadays, is increasingly democratic and more adapted to the needs of society, being able to influence the evolution of society as a whole.
The family has an important influence on children. A lot of information and skills are acquired by them mainly in the family in the first place. The family has an important role in the child's development from a physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic point of view, etc. The family develops the child's spirit of observation, memory and thinking. So we could say that a very large percentage of knowledge that the child acquires is due to the family.
In the case of children with learning difficulties, the family has an even more important role, because these children need continuous emotional support, and this can be found mostly in the family. The child with learning difficulties can achieve school results depending on the degree of involvement of the family in the learning process. Parents must provide the child with learning difficulties with the necessary means to remove the barriers from the child's path in the learning process, but also for a better cognitive development.
The present study wants to present the contribution of the family in emotional support in the case of children with learning difficulties, skills that must exist in a family to be a good parent. The major purpose of the study and its relevance refers to the family as a concept in the field of educational sciences and the way in which this social group manages to support the couple with learning difficulties. The objectives that we propose have in mind the provision by this social group, called family, of an educational system for the child with learning difficulties based on a system of affective interactions that will respond to the needs of the child with learning difficulties. These objectives favor the development of the personality of the child with learning difficulties and the stimulation of self-image. The theoretical highlights of the study regarding the role of the family in the education of the child with learning difficulties are: the perspective of the subject under educational influence; the adult perspective contained in the educational ideal; the perspective of educational situations, institutional or non-institutional aspects; the perspective of the educational process, static and dynamic aspects.
These children must develop certain skills (respect for others, sincerity, honesty, politeness), and this must happen primarily in the family. The development of the personality of the child with learning difficulties represents a social ideal and is influenced by the existing social and cultural level in the family. That's why we want to express through this study a series of responsibilities that parents who have a child with learning difficulties have, responsibilities related to their behavior and up to intense emotional interactions. All these can naturally influence the development of the child with learning difficulties.
Family, child, learning difficulties, education, development.