University of Oradea (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 1564-1570
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0514
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Both in the distant past and in the present day, the key to a well-developed character is directly related to the behavioral manifestation. We can say about a student who shows moral behavior when we observe certain positive practices on his part. Of course, these practices are learned, and those responsible are the first educators of the child, i.e. the parents, through positive parenting practices. In addition to parents, other educators have an extraordinary role to play in developing these practices in childhood. Development of prosocial behavior, moral behavior, is possible through a positive education in a school context equipped with the necessary elements for a healthy education. Prosocial behavior involves several factors such as gratitude, altruism, compassion, etc., which cause the student's creative mind to answer questions such as: Why do we help others? When can we help others? Does it help us to do so in a certain way?, and so on. The answers to these questions, and not only we will find in the present work.

The methodology used in this research encompasses the main objective, through which, in an intervention to the students of the 6th and 7th grades, there are significant results in order to manifest a prosocial behavior. The second objective is to implement counseling hours for self-awareness. The third objective is through the implementation of the counseling hours the students can better understand the others.The method used is the questionnaire method. The questionnaire used is called MVIQ and refers to the internalization of moral values expressed through behavior. In our study there are two moments of evaluation. The first moment is a pre-test, and after the intervention in the class of students the post-test takes place. The subjects, participants in our study, are students in the male and female high school cycle. The number of participants is 75. Of these, 30 subjects belong to the control group, and 45 subjects belong to the experimental group. The data obtained in the pre-test and post-test stage were processed with the statistical program SPSS 15, using ANOVA to compare the two moments. The conclusions we reached confirm the research hypothesis, and the intervention program expressed through counseling hours can develop prosocial behavior to students and adolescents. Confirmation of the significant threshold (p) less than .05, leads us to validate the hypothesis of the present research according to which by applying an intervention program based on self-knowledge counseling to students in the high school cycle, they will develop prosocial behavior.
Student, School, Behavior, Practices, Values, Development.