Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4760-4764
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1151
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The authors of the article discuss the basic principles related to the construction of a virtual laboratory bench to examine heat transfer processes. The goal is to accumulate knowledge, skills and competences in the remote handling and use of models and benches for conducting various laboratory experiments. Another aim is the simultaneous use of these laboratory installations in combination with various software products. This leads to more effective training appropriate for the pandemic situation. In this way, the students will be provided with various opportunities both for examining and recording different characteristics and parameters of real experimental installations, as well as opportunities for remote manipulation of these models and benches, through the application and use of virtual laboratory tools.

A virtual laboratory is essentially a computer-based laboratory in which opportunities for conducting experiments can be provided interactively through software simulations of real objects, devices or processes or through remote access to a real laboratory.

Virtual labs are a powerful tool through which students can explore, observe, manipulate and analyze a diverse set of data that is represented in numerical and/or graphical form. This type of tool is extremely effective, especially when universities have to deal with a pandemic, which making it difficult for students to access real lab benches and models in universities. This is a good opportunity to virtualize learning and create skills and competencies in students to handle various tools and software products.

In the article, the authors focus their attention on a laboratory stand/bench model SR1162E Heat Transfer Trainer, which provides students with opportunities to expand their horizons in the field of heat transfer processes. Using this bench, students can explore basic heat transfer processes by being able to observe the heating, cooling and movement of the air inside the device during operation. They can also monitor air mixing and conduct tests to measure and monitor temperature and air pressure. Students can control and manage in real time the processes that occur in the physical SR1162E bench. In this way, they can consolidate their theoretical knowledge, skills and competences in this field of engineering education.

The construction of a virtual bench for analyzing and examining heat transfer processes is an important and essential moment in the education of students from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", especially in the field of automated systems and power engineering. The use of the virtual laboratories facilitates and supports the procedures of processing and analyzing data sets, and at the same time it also provides an opportunity for the students to have access to the bench at any time. In this way, the integrity of the student learning process is ensured by providing universal accessibility, i.e. some of the students conduct experiments on the physical bench in the real laboratory, and others examine the same parameters, but from home.

The applicability of the virtual bench constructed for examining the characteristics and parameters of heat exchange would be wide. Apart from ensuring effective consolidation of theoretical knowledge, it will give students an excellent and very beneficial opportunity to use different interactive software platforms.
Virtual, lab, SR1162E, heat transfer, process.