Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology (INDIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1682-1690
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0503
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In the Age of Acceleration, characterized by rapid technological advancements, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for the new generation of learners. Accordingly, the conduct of education today is being repurposed to meet the educational needs of new generation learners. As the purpose of education shifts, the assessment of educational objectives and learning outcomes must be fine-tuned to evaluate the development of this entrepreneurial mindset. This paper aims to develop a comprehensive framework for assessing the entrepreneurial mindset in next-generation learners, reevaluating existing assessment categories and their efficacy.

Assessment Categories:
The paper explores three prevalent assessment categories: summative assessment (assessment of learning), formative assessment (assessment for learning), and self-assessment (assessment as learning). While these categories traditionally focus on the faithful transmission of knowledge from one generation to another, the assessment of entrepreneurial education must emphasize the transmission of the entrepreneurial spirit across generations. Consequently, assessments must shift their focus from content to the development of the entrepreneurial mindset. The actual challenge for modern-day educators lies in developing this mindset with minimal content in the syllabus and simplifying the assessment procedures to allow learners and teachers to focus more on tasks relevant to mindset development rather than being restricted by assessment protocols. Further, drawing parallels with the Buddhist educational legacy of the Indian subcontinent, the paper explores the possibilities of cross-fertilization between ancient and modern-day assessment requirements. By leveraging the insights from an ancient educational system that emphasized holistic development, the assessment framework aims to further enhance the entrepreneurial mindset in next-generation learners.

Proposed Assessment Model:
The paper presents a model that combines entrepreneurial portfolios and validated psychometric tests to assess learning outcomes in modern-day learners. Portfolios provide a summary of learners' autonomous, lifelong, venturesome, and flexible learning experiences throughout their educational journey. Psychometric tests evaluate the mindset development achieved through specific courses or the overall educational program. Together, these assessment components establish a broad framework for evaluating the transformation of education into an entrepreneurial paradigm.

This paper presents a comprehensive assessment framework for developing the entrepreneurial mindset in next-generation learners. The shift towards entrepreneurial education necessitates a re-evaluation of assessment practices, focusing less on content and more on mindset development. By incorporating portfolios and psychometric tests, educators can gain a holistic understanding of learners' entrepreneurial journey and mindset progression. Additionally, the exploration of ancient educational legacies offers valuable insights for enhancing the assessment of entrepreneurial education. This framework aims to catalyze a paradigm shift in modern-day education towards fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among learners, preparing them to thrive in the ever-changing VUCA world of the Age of Acceleration.
Entrepreneurial Mindset, Mindset Assessment, Psychometric Tools, Entrepreneurial Portfolios, Summative Assessment, Formative Assessment, Self-Assessment.