1 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BULGARIA)
2 Laboratory of Telematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6425-6430
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1305
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The present article introduces a model of a serious game in a panoramically photographed ancient archeological complex, known as Aquae Calidae. Aquae Calidae is situated in the ancient region of Thrace, near the Black Sea. The history of Aquae Calidae (Therma, Thermopolis) is related to the famous hot mineral springs at the site and covers a long period of time from the 1st millennium BCE to the XVIth century CE. It is linked with events of the history of Ancient Greece, Roman and Byzantine times, Medieval Bulgarian period, The Crusades and the Ottoman period, and was visited by famous historical figures. The rich history of the place makes it possible to develop educational games related to it.

Through immersion in the virtual 3D reality of the complex, learners are able to play intuitive mini-games and improve their historical knowledge and understanding of the ancient inhabitants and civilizations of the Balkan peninsula. In the game, the player initially encounters the Thracian ruler Rhoemetalces II, king of the Sapaeans and the Odrysian Kingdom from 18 to 38 CE, who tell the story of how the temple of the goddess Demeter was built near the magical springs of Aqua Calidae. The player visits a hall with artefacts of Thracian treasures from the period, and, in gaming mode, acquires crucial aspects of the Thracian culture and civilization. The game development is related to the heyday of Aqua Calidae under the rule of the Roman emperors. In the beginning of 1st century CE, Emperor Nero issues a decree for the initiation of building of the Roman thermae at Aqua Calidae, in the Thracian province, where the water was thought to be magical. The Nero’s decree for the building of the thermae is presented in the game in its authentic form – engraved on stone. The game follows the development of the thermae into a desirable place for the subjects of the Roman Empire due to its healing hot springs. Later emperor Trajan builds a big thermae complex with an area of 5000 m2. The Roman emperor Septimius Severus (293-211 CE) organizes in Aqua Calidae the athletic games Severia Nymphea, in honor of the Three nymphs. Justinian the Great, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire (527-565 CE) reinforces the thermae with massive fortified walls. This is part of the centuries-old history of the archeological complex Aqua Calidae and the region, and subsequent versions of the game will present its history during the Middle Ages and the Ottoman period.

During the development, the storytelling and serious games methods are used in a suitable learning scenario, for better understanding of the historical facts and recreation of the era. The combination of these methods contributes to a more efficient education, stimulating the desire for learning, curiosity, creative and logical thinking, and to the development of diverse abilities and competencies of the learners. To address these issues, the mini-games quizzes and puzzles inspire the Aqua Calidae game players to carefully gather the pieces of educational content providing the necessary information.

During the process of development and game design, several components are considered: the concept, the model of the gaming process, the learners’ interaction within the environment, the avatar’s appearance, behaviour and roles, the gameplay, the progression, the learning scenario, etc., all consistent with the national requirements, along with specific educational aims and knowledge acquisition targets.
Serious game, game development, gameplay, user experience, cultural heritage, education.